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14th July 1948. 

A fine, chilly, dull day, after several dull days with chilly NW. wind & some drizzle.

In afternoon drove to Brittas & then home by Ballinscorney Gap: stopped 1 mile E. of Brittas to look up Viola lutea in preparation for visit from Desmond Meikle on following Tuesday, 20th & found it in plenty on moraine N. of the road & mill race to the Brittas Ponds.

Also stopped at plantation (mainly Scots Pine) on roadside above Balinascorney House & swept under trees for about 40 minutes: grass very wet in open glades & so sweeping rather difficult:  nevertheless small Hymenptera very abundant & a sucker soon filled.  The following insects taken here:- [65 mtd. & these labelled Dec. 1952.]

Plantation at Ballinascorney House, Co. DU.
Alt. just 1,000 feet.

Pamphilius vafer swept off old birch in open glade in centre of plantation
Pachynematus obductus  ♀︎
Epitomus pygmaeus  2: not mtd.


14.7.48, cont.  Ballinascorney, Co. DU., cont.

Vol. 1 ♂︎ = 
Cryptinids 18  Mostly Hemiteles, Pezomachus or Phygadeuon.  4 only mtd. = 
Pezomachus sp.  ♂︎, ant. 23.
Pez. sp.  ♂︎, ant. 19.
Pez. sp.  ♀︎, ant. 19
Phygadeuonid?  ♂︎, white marked orbits, ant. 27 = 

Lissonota bellator  1 highly coloured ♂︎ such as one usually find in the hills at this season:  ant. 40.
Stenomacrus laricis  2♀︎♀︎ {not mtd.
St. merula  ♂︎, ant. 27, with spiral abdominal segments.
Tryphon signatus  1♀︎: not mtd.
Homocidus biguttatus  ♂︎, ant. 24.
Cteniscus sp.  ♂︎, ant. 28.
Polyblastus? sp.  1♀︎, ant. 30;  black femora.
Mesochorus sp.  1♂︎ small, ant. 22.
M. sp.  1♀︎ large, ant. 39.
Sagaritis annulata  ♀︎, var. maculata (red hind femora, black at base: ant. 31.
Bracon obscurator?  1 tiny ♂︎; ant. 19, legs ? all dark.
Apanteles spp. very abundant, mostly fulvipes group.  
A. cf fraternus  2♀︎♀︎ mounted.
Sigalphus pallipes  ♀︎, ant. 22.
Euphorus cf pallipes group, ♂︎, ant. 25, mesonotum almost smooth & unpunctured.
Blacus longipennis  6♀︎♀︎, ant. all 17.