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18 7 48, cont.  Rye Water, Co. KD. = 1.

Swept on slope from Louisa Bridge almost to Rye Water & chiefly on wet shelf halfway down to river, N. of Canal.
[4 labelled 25.10.51, 3 labelled 29.10.51, 24 remaining labelled 12th Jan. 1953.]

Selandria flavens  ♂︎ 
Cryptinids 8♂︎♂︎: none mtd.
Lissonota sp. ♂︎; not mtd.
Pimpla flavicoxis?  1 small ♂︎: not mtd.
Homocidus obscuripes  ♀︎: not mtd.
Meloboris  ♂︎, red coxae:  not mtd.
Hormius moniliatus  ♂︎, ant. 24.
Oncophanes lanceolator  3♀︎♀︎:  2 mtd., ant. both 20
Chelonus atripes Thoms.  1♂︎, ant. 19;  very small!  Fide M.W.R. de V.G. 1951.
C. cf. secutor  2♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎;  ant. 22 & 24 (♂︎♂︎), 22 (♀︎).
Acoelius subfasciatus  ♂︎, ant. 20.
Agathis "non-anglica"  ♂︎, ant. 24.
Meteorus cinctellus  3♀︎♀︎.  Ant. 25, 25 & 26.
M. leviventris  ♂︎, ant. 29.
Perilitus sp.  ♂︎.
Pentapleura angustula  ♀︎: not mtd.
Aspilota aculipes  ♂︎;  minute, ant. 16.
A. (Synaldis) [[strikethrough]] parvicornis? [[/strikethrough]] = concolor?  minute, ant. 17.
Dacnusa fallax?  ♀︎, ant. 33;  rather small & dark!
D. (Gyrocampa) siniffa  2 (♂︎♂︎, ? both ♂︎), ant. 26 & 29.


18.7.48, cont.  Rye Water, KD., cont.

Taken at 1, cont.

Coelinius cf. collaris m. var. head cubical, ant. 36, but quite black pronotum.  ♂︎, where C. collaris taken 5.7.'42
Chaenon anceps  ♀︎, with last; smallish; ant. 50.
Toxares deltiger  ♀︎, ant. 20.
Ephedrus validus  ♂︎: not mtd.
Aphidius spp.  3♂︎♂︎: not mtd.
Proctos  6: 4 mtd. = 
Chalcids  4: 1 large ♀︎ Torymid mtd., very nice; = 
Beetle:  Staph. = Oxyteles rugosus F.  fide H.W. Daltry.

Taken at 2. = Tow path, &c. between Deey Lock = 13th Lock! & planation about 1/2 mile W. of Louisa Bridge, Royal Canal, Co. KD.
[21 mounted from 2 & these labelled 2.1.53]

Anteon sp.  ♂︎.
Cryptinids 6:  2 mtd. = Cryptus? sp. ♂︎, ant. 28.
Phygadeuon sp. ♀︎, ant. 19.

Pimpla turionellae group ♂︎: not mtd.
Homocidus bizonarius ♀︎, ant. 22.
Meloboris ♂︎: not mtd.
Campoplegid ♀︎:  Anilasta? sp. ♀︎, ant. 30, areolet sessile.