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4.8.48, cont.  Gollierstown, DU., cont.

Taken at 3.

Hemiteles sp. ♂︎, cf. gracilis group, not mtd.
Pezomachus anthracinus  ♀︎, ant. 21.
Meloboris  ♂︎, black coxae, large ant. 37. 
Apantiles fulvipes group  ♀︎, not mtd.
Opius irregularis & caesus  1♂︎ each: not mtd.
[[Strikethrough]] O. [[/strikethrough]]
Pentapleura pumilio  1♂︎, 1♀︎: not mtd.
Phaenocarpa nimia Stelfox  2♂︎♂︎, ant. 31 & 32.
Ph. piccinervis  1♂︎: not mtd.
Aspilota semicompressa ♂︎, ant. 19.
A. fuscescens?  ♀︎, a large, robust, ♀︎, ant. 19.
Dacnusa areolaris 2  & D. pubescens 1♂︎: not mtd.
D. (Gyrocampa) [[strikethrough]] cf. [[/strikethrough]] uliginosa  6♂︎♂︎, 2 mtd., ant. both 26.  Also a very small ♂︎ with very transverse head & only 23-seg. ant. = sp?
Chorebidea lymphata  1♂︎, ant.25.
Chaenusa conjungens  2♂︎♂︎: not mtd.
Praon volucre?  ♀︎: not mtd.
Proctos 5: 2 mtd. =
Chalcid 1: not mtd.

A ♀︎ Clistopyga sauberi caught in back garden 14 Clareville Rd., Harold's Cross, DU.

An Aphidius ♀︎ cf. matricariae taken at light 10.30 P.M. in house, 14 Clareville Rd., Harold's Cross, Dublin.


10th August 1948. 

At 10 A.M. met E. O'Mahony at the Custom Ho. Docks, North Wall, Dublin, & spent 2 hours around the "Sally Garden" (& in Corn Stores), where on 4th. E.O'M. had discovered a colony of Ponera punctatissima ♀︎♀︎ (winged) & ☿️☿️ but no ♂︎♂︎.  The area where the ant occurs is in the angle of two walls facing S. & W. & was during the war used to store "brown coal" from Sweden;  since then on top of the remains of this coal has been dumped a lot of refuse, thus engendering heat.  In consequence of this heat the whole area has become the home of countless Cockroaches which have crossed the wall & invaded neighboring houses & given rise to complaints.  A lot of rubbish has been in the newspapers the last two months on the matter.  Various methods have been tried to get rid of the cockroaches & are still being tried & a man has been employed to dig a trench along the walls & throw up the material, which is full of them, Porcellio laevis, &c. 

It was during this digging in the angle of the two walls that O'Mahony found the ants & today after vain searching amongst the  loose heap & getting only 2♀︎♀︎ Ponera & 1♂︎ Hemiteles = small black sp. with 20-seg ant. =, we eventually located what appeared to be the remains of the colony on top of a flat buttress projecting about a foot above the trench