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1st to 12th December 1948. 

Very mild, with much heavy rain, gales, & one midnight thunder storm, with fine spring-like days interspersed. 

On 12th walked from terminus of "83" bus to Willington House, Balrothery & Firhouse & home by bus.  Although sun gone behind clouds & a rather chilly wind blowing, saw many ☿️ Vespa vulgaris at ivy at Willingotn Ho. & especially on wall just N. of Poddle River & a few again by lane from bridge over Dodder to Firhouse.

15th Dec. 1948. 
My 65th birthday.  Made two journeys each way to & from Museum, on bike as normal, on this my last day of service in Museum.  Weather clear & cold.

16th Dec. 1948. 
Weather still clear & cold but sun after 10 A.M. quite warm.  Left home at 10.30 & went by bus to Dollymount (Daisy & I) & walked about half-way along North Bull & back to catch bus at 1.30 & so home to dinner about 2.30, to celebrate retirement, after 28 1/2 years service in Museum.  Many flowers on Leontodon autumnalis on dunes & lots to sweep had I wanted to do so.


17th Dec. 1948. 

A still more perfect day than 16th. Entirely sunny & sun quite hot, with not a breath of wind in forenoon, gentle S.E. breeze later, very mild.  Left home at 10 A.M. & went to west pier Kingstown, where spent about 3 hours.  Tide very high & not many birds about.  Many porpoises seen over a long period about 1/4 mile off the harbour mouth:  these seemed to stay in one place & swim up & down on a beat, as it were.  Many flowers on Matricaria maritima growing on the pier.  Left for home at 1.30 after sitting in the sun at end of pier for some time & thoroughly comfortable.

In front garden several leaves on Anemone appenina, which seem very early. 

18th Dec. 1948. 

Dull till 4.30 P.M., mild in morning but chilly E. breeze in afternoon.  Glass very high as large anticyclone approaches from Scandinavia.  In afternoon took bikes & rode via Greenhills to Whitehall House, round S. side of Belgard Castle to Fortunestown & home via Tallaght & Templeogue.  Saw ☿️☿️ of Vespa vulgaris near Whitehall Ho. & along S. wall of Belgard Castle on ivy blossom, which given fine weather should keep going well into January but - we shall see!

Saw fine patch of Geranium Robertianum in full flower at latter locality, as well as Daisies & Dandelions