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15.5.49, cont.  Emo dt. & Woodbrook, QC: cont.

Butterflies seen:  Green Hairstreak (1) MDS.  Wood White & Brimstone, both in scrub N. of Emo;  Orange Tip, Green-veined White;  Speckled Wood; Wall, Dingy Skipper (tages) 2, at Woodbrook. 

Dragonflies seen at Woodbrook:  Pyrrhosoma nymphula, Caenagrion ♂︎ = 
Calopteryx virgo ♂︎ &♀︎;  Libellula v. maculata;  Brachytron pratense in damp part of woods.

Coleoptera 3 = Donacia & a black weevil (2 exx.) = Rhincites betulae fide H.W.D.

Swept by R.C. Faris near Doonee Rock, L. Gill, Co. SL. & received on 19.5.49 
[15 mtd. & these labelled 13.4.53.]

Dryinid ♀︎ = Anteon ruficornis?
Stenomacrus cf. merula ♂︎ ant. 27. 
St. cf. pallipes ♂︎; ant. 29.
Promethes cognatus ♀︎, ant. 24. 
Homocides obscuripes ♂︎: not mtd.
Aperileptus sp. ♀︎, ant. 21.
Bracon osculator 2♂︎♂︎ ant. 28(1). 
Sigalphis caudatus: not mtd.
Miroctonus testaceus? ♂︎, ant. 18 & very short. 
Euphorus cf. pallipes ♂︎ ant. 24.
Aspilota 2♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎ = A. sp. near prona ♂︎, ant. 26. 
A fuscescens? ♂︎, ant. 25.
A. monilicornis? ♀︎, short petiole & short, stout, moniforni, 19-seg. ant.
Dacnusa areolaris: about a dozen: none mtd. 
D. avesta: teneral ♂︎, ant. 32. 
D. merella ♂︎, ant. 36
Aphidius spp. ♂︎♂︎ none mtd. 
Proctos. 2: not mtd.


20th May 1949. 

A very fine day, the best since 15th;  no rain & much hot sun but wind turning from W. to E. about 10:30 AM caused a cloud-jam which lasted +/- till 6 P.M., then all sunny again. 

Drove in afternoon to Glenasmole, arriving at middle lodge about 4 P.M. & left there at 6.30. Collected by sweeping in three areas as follows:-

1 = Willows, & marsh, at head of upper lake on W. side for 150 yards above (S. of) the boat house, at NE corner of reservoir.
2 = Willows, & marsh, at head of upper lake;  the marsh only recently left dry by fall of water (about 4 ft.) from winter level & almost no sign of life yet below H.W. level.
3 = By path from upper dam down to middle lodge, especially about plants of Cow Parsnip.

Conditions not perfect as stray cool breeze blew right down the glen, but many more insects out than before the rain of last few days!

Glenasmole, Co. DU.

Insects taken at 1. 
[35 from mounted & these labelled 11.4.53.]

Pontania  1; not mtd.
Dryinid, 1 small ♂︎ =
Anomalon sp. 1♀︎ ant. 33: the only ick taken here