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5.6.49, cont.  Broad Lough, Killoughter, WI., cont.

Taken at 2 by Marcus Graham!
Microplitus xanthopus  ♂︎.

5.6.49, cont.  Killoughter, WI., cont.

Taken by me at 3. 
[36 mounted from 3 & these labelled 1.1.1954.]
Marshes N. of lane to old station, side of lane, &c. for 1/4 mile W. of station. 

Sawfly = Monsoma pulverata ♀︎.
Cryptineds 11, including Stilpnus gagates ♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎ (not mtd.)
Hemiteles? sp. ♂︎, ant. 22, tergite 2 alutaceous, matt.
H. sp.  smallish, red, ♀︎ ant. 20.
Atractodes sp.  3♀︎♀︎, ant. all 19, all mtd. on one card.
Pimpla stercorator  ♀︎, ant. 26, my 1st ♀︎ of this species!  I have one ♀︎ taken in Co. Donegal by A. M. Gwynne.
P. maculator  ♀︎: not mtd.
Polysphincta pallipes  ♂︎, ant. 24.
Oedematopsis scabricula  ♀︎, ant. 35.
Cteniscid  ♂︎, ant. 31 = 


5.6.49, cont.   Marsh, Killoghter, WI., cont.

Taken at 3, by me, cont.

Homocidus elegans  ♂︎, dark var., ant. 23.
Campoplegids  3: none mounted.
Mengersenia paradoxa Schmied.  ♂︎, possibly off oak along ditch in marsh (= ? Phrudus exareolatus miki), ant. 19.
Bracon satanas  large ♂︎, ant. 40.
B. undulatus miki  ♂︎, ant. 34.
B. sp. near coriaceus, ant. 38.
Apantites callidus?  ♀︎.
A. formosus?  ♂︎
Euphorus psllipes  ♂︎, ant. 25.
Meteorus ictericus  ♀︎, ant. 32.
Blacus longipennis  ♂︎, ant. 19.
Dacnusa semirugosa Hal.  2 huge ♀︎♀︎, ant. both 36.
D. (G.) affinis  ♀︎, ant. 23, var. with tergite 2 granulate at base!
Dacnusa cf. transversa miki  ♀︎, ant. 36;  very long pointed radial areolet!
D. raissa Nixon  5.  None mounted?  ? an error or given to M.G.
D. nydia Nixon  1♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎, ant. 33, 28 & 29.
D. areolaris very common, mostly ♀︎♀︎: none mtd.
Coelinius rufipes miki  3♂︎♂︎, ant. 41, 41 & 42.
Ephedrus validus  ♀︎ not mtd.
Monoctonus caricis  ♂︎: not mtd.
Aphidius spp.  2: not mtd.
Proctos.  2 Platygasters.
Chalcid  1: not mtd.
Beetles, 3 = Hygronoma diidiata Gr. (fide H.W. Daltry).
Diptera, 3 =