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15.6.49, cont.  Buckroney Marsh, WI., cont.

Taken at 2, cont.

Dacnusa areolaris group. 4: none mtd.
D. (G.) siniffa  ♀︎, ant. 28.
D. (G.) uliginosa  ♂︎, ant. 24. v. small.  
Ephedrus validus  3♀︎♀︎: none mtd.
Aphidius spp. 2. } none mtd.
Proctos. 1. } none mtd.
Chalcids 4. } none mtd. 
Beetle = Donacia obscurus A.W.S. 
Hemipteron 1 = Crymus cf. glandicolor? A.W.S.

Taken at 2 by Marcus Graham

Lagoon (edge of), in Buckroney Dunes, WI.

Taken at 3.  4.0 PM.

Bracon fraudator var.  2♀︎♀︎, ant. 28 & 29.
Opius caesus  ♂︎: not mtd.
Dacnusa areolaris  1♀︎: not mtd.
D. (Gyrocampa) 4. = D. scabrifossa  2♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎, ant. 26, 27 & 27 (♀︎).  Head of ♀︎ matt; of one ♂︎ half-matt; of other ♂︎ polished
D. esbelta  ♀︎, ant. 30, small head!


17th June '49.

A perfect day, cloudless, very hot sun, but fresh & cool SE. wind;  hazy everywhere & no distant view.  Driven by Frank Mitchell, with J.P. Brunker & Miss Hilda Parker to Baltinglass, Hacketstown, Knockananna & home via Ballinabarney Gap into the Glen of Imaal & so to main road & home.

Left Brunker's at 10.30 AM., Holdenstown Bog at 12-noon, Lady's Ford over Slaney (Kilmurry) for lunch at 1.30, then on to bog N. of Knockananna (2.30 till 4 P.M.) & smaller bog 4 till 5 P.M., where had tea & left for home about 5.30 & home about 7 P.M.  Did some sweeping at the four places but insects very scarce owing to type of ground & hot sun.  As follows:

1 = Holdenstown Bog;  2 1/2 miles S. of Baltinglass, 1/2 mile SW. of Lady's Ford, Co. WI., where many nice plants including much Cranberry, Carex limosa, C. vesicaria, C. teretinscula, C. rostrata, C. disticha, C. goodenowii v.  juncella, C. echinata, C. panicea, &c.

2  Field by R. Slaney, margin of river (left & right bank) just above the bridge below the old ford at Lady's Ford, Kilmurry (Slaney Park), Co. WI.