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19.6.49, cont.  Athdown Brook, WI., cont.

Taken at 1200-1300 ft., cont.

Dacnusa areolaris 8 (♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎): none mtd.
D.  ♀︎, ant. 32.
Monoctonus caricis  ♀︎: not mtd.
Aphidius spp. 7: only 1 mtd. = A. sp.? near renominatus or sonchi? tergite 1 very slender; ant. 16.
Proctos 3: one mtd. =
Chalcids 2: none mtd.
Beetles. Rhagium bifasciatum swept off Mt. Ash.  
2 Meligethes sp. swept off flowers of Mt. Ash.
Yellow sp. [[image]] off Salix aurita: not mtd.

Taken in pool on col between Seefingan & Kippure, on Co. WI. side of boundary ditch, alt. ca. 2,100 ft.

Water Beetles 6 = 
Corixa spp. 3 = 


21st June 1949.

Cloudless, very hot & only gentle E. breeze.

Met E.S.A. Baynes & his wife at R.D.S. 9 AM. & driven by him to Kilgorman, Co. WX., about 7 miles S. of Arklow, on coast to look for a small, pale, semi-transparent, form of the Six-spot Burnet Moth (Z. filipendulae) which I had taken there about 1929-30 & of which form there is a long seriesin Nat. Museum & M.S.D. Westropp's collection supposed to have been taken at "Sligo" by late Rev. Canon McLean, but as these specimens not labelled till they reached the Museum (ca. 1896)? & all then labelled "Sligo" I much doubt the locality - McLean had then been curate in Co. Sligo & was leaving & giving up collecting!

Arrived at Kilgorman at 11 AM. & found many typical filipendulae out & fresh, but no varieties;  also many larvae (taken home by Baynes); but strange to say only two cocoons.  Baynes hopes my "var." (or rather "McLean's var.") may prove to be a late emerging race & so hopes to obtain same from the larvae.  We shall see!  [Later.  All proved typical!]

Swept some insects in the dunes, just S. of the end of lane & stream (= 1) & after lunch a few behind the dunes in damp ditch, &c., but too hot to do much hard work.