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25th June 49, cont.

George joined us for tea at 6 P.M. having travelled by same bus as we came on the previous day. 
After tea walked N. & took upper road for 2 miles & home by coast road.

26th Jun 1949. 

Cloudless until evening & still very hot, with gentle E. breeze.

Spent forenoon along coast 1 1/2 miles N. of Carnlough & between coast road & sea, where lovely show of Orchis purpurella & Fuchsii & many common sedges grow amongst Iris & Juncus association.  Here did a little sweeping & took a few male hymenoptera (for list see p.279. to follow!);  also investigated bank of sea-weed (now very much dried) & by splashing sea-water over this brought up many Diptera but only 1 Braconid about size of Phaenocarpa conspurcator (? sex) = ♀︎ Aphaereta cephalotes!

In afternoon walked along coast towards Glenarm for 1 1/2 miles & not in shade of sea wall but did not collect.

In evening walked up glen to waterfall


26.6.49, cont.  Carnlough district, AN., cont.

I did a little sweeping in shady part of glen for 1/8 mile below fall & in damper part of floor of the old chalk quarry lower down.  For list of insects taken here see p.280 to follow.

Painted Lady Butterfly seen on coast road at 10:30 A.M.

Helix intersecta (= caperata) abundant on spoil heap outside the old chalk quarry on evening walk.

27th June 1949. 

A cloudy morning with SW. breeze, but much sun in afternoon; very hot.  Gentle E. breeze on coast, but not on plateau.  Walked up lane S. of Carnlough River as on 25th & cut over N. end of scarp to Cranny River.  Had lunch about 1 P.M. by ruins of old house connected with former cable tramway from mine to coast;  then on to Cranny Lough, which nearly dry;  then back to marshy bog 1/8 mile E. of lough where Praeger & I had found Carex magellanica & C. pauciflora on 10.7.1920, & although marsh almost dry found plenty of C. magellanica but failed to find any C. pauciflora.  Returned along N.S. watershed to Craigfad Lough & found C. pauciflora i.e. on W. of Binnogee! in Scirpus bog on the way & along S. & W.