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27.6.49, cont.  Garron Plateau, AN., cont.

shores of the larger (southern) lough, in a kind of "scraw" which at the moment is almost baked dry & much tramped over & bitten by sheep, but in 1920 was almost under water. 

Saw a small rather curious bush of Salix - S. cinerea var. fide R.D.M. - by the Cranny Burn & ants (Myrmica scabrinoidis!) where we had lunch, also many specimens of Large Heath Butterfly (C. tullia) all over the higher, wetter, part of the moor between Cranny Lough & Binnagee & Craigfad Loughs.

On outward journey saw one seedling of Epilobium angustifolium on one of the scarps S. of the Cranny Burn above its junction with the Pollan Burn, & by the Cranny just above the highest falls are several lovely swamps full of Pinguicula lusitanica.  Cranberry very abundant in the marsh E. of Cranny Lough with Carex magellanica, &c. 

Except "Cleggs", a beetle (on Salix) & [[strikethrough]] bug or [[/strikethrough]] another beetle on same Salix, at lunch place, did not collect any insects all day.  Lobelia Dortmanni & Littorella in the smaller (northern) Craigford Lough.  

Cleggs = Haematopota crassicornis? 2♀︎♀︎
2 Beetles =
Braconid. Sigalphus pallipes ♀︎ taken near glen on outward journey!


28th June 1949. 

This began with thick drizzle coming in from sea then cleared & became very hot & damp, but as wind went N. & freshened the day became much cooler in late afternoon & evening.  In forenoon walked towards old chalk quarry on the old road over the hill to Glenarm but saw nothing of interest & everything dripping; very warm.  In afternoon went N. for a mile & did some sweeping between road & sea, especially in a patch of Glyceria fluitans, [[strikethrough]] where probably took Chorebidea lymphatus on 26th. [[/strikethrough]]  For list of insects taken here see p.280 to follow. 

In evening explored lane which leads up to big chalk quarry from the N. end of High Street, Carnlough, to look for a better & quicker way towards the Trosk & lake W. of same, & as this lane appears OK will try it tomorrow;  near head of lane & at about 7.30 P.M.- saw first a ♂︎ & then 2☿☿ which I am satisfied was Bombus pratorum;  the ☿☿ evaded me by going through the hedge & for some reason I missed catching the ♂︎ with my hand.  I had no net with me!

Two Painted Lady Butterflies seen chasing each other just above chalk quarry in evening.