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29.6.1949, cont.

On leaving Praeger's marsh cut E. over scarp & returned to mine building on Cranny Burn & so down to spot where P. & I saw Pyrola secunda on 3.7.1920 & spent some time again looking for it unsuccessfully.  After this second visit I have come to the conclusion that subsequent to our visit in 1920 the N. bank of Cranny (just below the uppermost fall) fell down partly blocking the river which was thus forced against & undermined the right (S.) bank, where the big patch of the Pyrola grew in 1920 & appeared to us quite secure.  Thus both patches seem to have been swept away.  Came back to Carnlough by right bank of river & so home about 8 P.M.

During the day I reckon I covered at least eleven miles not counting detours & climbs. 

Did not collect any insects but, saw many Large Heath, one Painted Lady, about four or five Wood Tiger Moths, very many of the large green-eyed Clegg or small Gad Fly, two large dragon-flies at Loughscraban [[footnote 1]] (?species) & one by Cranny River on return journey which I think saw Aeshna juncea though the date seems early.  Subsequently (1952) recorded Col. Niall MacNeil.
[[footnote 1]] See Miss Longfield's letter of 24.1.50! A.W.S.[[/footnote 1]] 


30th June 1949. 

After some rain at night, a very fine day, mostly very hot sun, some cloud, & fresh NW breeze.

In forenoon went 1 1/2 miles N. along coast as before & took Aphaereta cephalotes under rotten seaweed, as well as the Procto, – dilatata, an Ich., & 2 Chalcids. 

Swept between road & sea, amongst Irises, &c., & especially the small bed of Glyceria fluitans, for list of insects taken here see p.– to follow.

In afternoon Daisy & George took bus to Red Bay & I went up lane from N. of harbor to chalk quarry to see more of Bombus pratorum & spent 2 hours there.  Saw & captured 1♂︎ B. pratorum, & saw 3☿☿, all on flowers of bramble;  also about six☿☿ of lucorum, 1 faded ☿ of jonellus & several agrorum, sawfly Tenthredo nassatus black & red ♀︎, Halictus freygessneri ♀︎, Crabro chrysostomus ♂︎, but Aculeates very rare, the only others seen being Vespa vulgaris, rufa & I think 1 norvegica ☿☿.

In evening walked up old road to Ballymena for 1 1/2 miles & returned by the new road, but saw nothing of great interest.

Transcription Notes:
**There are two or three I didn't get, BUT ALL OTHERS RESEARCHED AND FOUND ONLINE. [[try global names index]] - don't know why writer says he said 3 , but only drew two ☿. [[he uses 2 gender symbols to denote more than 1]] -Cleg or Clegg is acceptable spelling. -Ich. for Ichneumonid -Chaleid-flies -groats - grains of oats, barley, etc... -"Crabro" . -Aculeata (s.), Aculeates (pl.). -Vorregica - type of wasp =Ballymena, is not far from Carnlough and the area they were researching.