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1st July 1949.  A perfect day, mainly sunny & very hot, but with fresh easterly breeze all day. Spent the day around The Trosks & lake N. of same.

Left hotel about 10.20 & walked up lane N. of harbor, past chalk quarry & over hill to marsh S. of gap between Big & Little Trosk, then along S. scarp of Little Trosk & then W. scarp of same where found evidence of Ravens' nest & one day gully in rock with quantity of Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea while Daisy & George crossed summit & saw the Lycopodium alpinum & one plant of Antennaria dioica; then went on to Lough Fine & had lunch & noted the following plants there:- Litorella, Myriophyllum, Carex ampullacea, C. filiformis on NW. shore sparingly between shore & C. ampullacea beds & with 2 flower spikes, Chara sp., Scirpus lacustris, Sparganium natans, & Potamogeton

next went W. to small lough in neck hollow and saw Carex pauciflora at SE. inlet swamp, lots of Lobelia, Drosera anglica Reeds & Littorella, Pinguicula lusitanica, &c & great beds of Carex ampullacea & [[?]] amongst which swept some hymenoptera for


1∙7∙49, cont.  The Trosks, L Fine, &c, AN., cont. list of which see p. 282

next returned to outlet of L. Fine & passed on to small lough between this & Big Trosk, with Eq. limosa, C. amp., Scirpus, lusitanica, Phragmites & Potamogeton sp., around which lough is a large belt of scarp containing Carex limosa, & a belt of C. pauciflora amongst Sphagnum [[strikethrough]] cranberry [[/strikethrough]] about one or two yards from present edge of water; next saw a nice swamp above this loughan at N. foot of Big Trosk & here once more saw Carex pauciflora in patches; next crossed Big Trosk to uppermost scarp above outlet of Longatrosk & worked along this to north end, seeing Salix repens ♀ in seed, Solidago, Honeysuckle, & a nice patch of Hieracium "boreale type", but too high up I think for Praeger's 1920 station for Cryptogramma crispa seen on 11∙7∙1920. In going from [[strikethrough]] small lake [[/strikethrough]] Lough Fine to small lake E. of same made a detour along scarp to N. & between [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] lough & refound the Beech Fern seen in 1920 filling a six foot long crack in rock facing N. Ended day by crossing inlet of Loughtrosk & saw Mimulus langsdorffii now has large colonies

Transcription Notes:
♂♀☿ Had not checked correct spelling of names. Changed a lot after research. They all should be good now. L. refers to Lough = Loch