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4th July 1949.

Did nothing in forenoon as R.D. Meikle was arriving at 12.45.  After lunch went up Carnlough Glen with Meikle & showed him the plant of Hordeum syvaticum from which I collected the flowering spike on 2nd July (see p.271).  Later worked up right bank through the scrub & then for a mile of the river gorge seeing much beautiful ground & many small waterfalls & pools, but the only plants worth mentioning are Athyrium aculeatum, Equisetum pratense, Galium boreale & a nice flowering patch of Pyrola minor found (like that Equisetum!) by Meikle on right bank. Later went up N. slope of Binnagee & again examined the two Craigfad Loughs, & found the northern lough almost paved with lobelia.  On way up lane saw Grayling Butterfly. 

5th July 1949. 

All three of us & Meikle set off at 10:30 AM & walked up the lane by Carnlough River on to plateau & along the Cranny Burn to former station for Pyrola secunda, where again saw Carex pallenscens, Galium boreale, Rubus saxatilis, Prunum Padus, but no Pyrola.  Then on to boggy marsh SE of Cranny Lough where Carex magellanica seen 1920 & on 27th June;  also saw B. pauciflora just before reaching 


the marsh.  On leaving Cranny Lough crossed bog with C. magellanica, &c.  & Next crossed E. Ridge of Collin Top & dropped down to Praeger's Sax. Hirculus marsh where the four of us spent about an hour on the lovely ground but could not find the Saxifrage, through Meikle spotted Eriophorum latifolium;  other plants common then are Drocera anglica, Cranberry, Orchis purpurella (forma), Carex ampullacea, C. limosa, C. filiformis, &c., Utricularia minor in flower.

Returned home across waterbed to Beech Fern scarp W. of Pollan Burn & showed it & the Oak Fern to Meikle & so home at 6P.M. 

On way up lane saw beautiful ♂︎ Bombus pratorum & on plateau saw several Aeshna juncea.

6th July 1949. 

Joined at 8:30 A.M. by J.W.K. Moon & after breakfast he, R.D. Meikle, & I walked up lane by river to the Pollan Burn & showed Oak & Beech Fern to Moon & then on to Inver River via great bog NW of Loughascraban & on this saw odd colonies of Carex pauciflora & in the bog pool with open water I found Carex curta at last & moon also found a colony on edge of a smaller pool a little to N.  On reaching Inver River at its last fork, Moon produced two fine plants of Malaxis paludosa, which he had discovered here last year.  Had lunch here & after lunch crossed