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6.7.49, cont.

Inver River & once more searched for & failed to find any trace of Sax. Hirculus, but all three of us found further specimens of Malaxis.  Returned home across N. edge of bog E. of source of Inver River, seeing Carex pauciflora & C. filiformis, & came past L. Fine & the lakes E. & W. of this & along scarp N. of & between Little & Big Trosk seeing the Beech Fern in crack of rock & the Parsley Fern on rock at W. end of N. scarp of Big Trosk;  then down to Loughatrosk & so home via quarry road & lane.  Saw Painted Lady on road over quarry at usual place.  [George & Daisy saw a Fritillary Butterfly in lane E. Loughatrosk!]

7th July, 1949. 

A perfect day, all sunny but for very small isolated clouds, & with strong cool N. NE breeze.  Left hotel at 10:30 & walked up to foot of Carnlough Glen, then crossed to S. bank & up along course of river to moor seeing the Pyrola minor & close to it Davis spotted a fine patch of Melampyrum sylvaticum;  recrossed stream & cut over scarp N. of river & joined the Pollan Burn 1/4 mile N. of its meeting Cranny Burn & worked up it to the Oak Fern where George took a couple of photographs 


of the site for future reference;  then on up stream to top waterfall, just above which I discovered Thalictrum alpinum growing on left bank of river, amongst quite a thick vegetation just as it often does in Scotland;  on close investigation the Thalictrum proved abundant over many yards of the drier ground & extended several yards away from the bank of the river & looking very happy & flourishing in spite of the dense vegetation which, as listed by Meikle, comprised

Later again saw Thalictrum alpinum on left bank of the Pollan Burn in several places including one well N. of where it is joined by the outlet from Lough Fad.  After lunch went on up gorge, which I fancy is an overflow channel from Glacial lake impounded in basin of the Black Burn above Drumnasole, to Lough Island, then east to N. end of Lough Fad & N. to Loughnambrick [[Loughnabrick]] where Meikle a few years ago had found Potamogeton praelongus, which is abundant & in flower in the deeper part of  

Transcription Notes:
TROSK - found on internet = These places are in County of Antrim, Ireland. LOUGHNATROSK - Antrim Loughfad or Lough Fad on this pg. Inver River -Ireland - seen starting around town of Larne. Lough - or Loch - is Lake Loughnabrick - Antrim Co.