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Insects swept in Carnlough Glen, below waterfall, Co. AN., on evening of 26th June 1949 = (2) 26.6.49!  See pp.260-261.  

Sawfly Tenthredopsis nassata? ♂︎.  
Icks.  Hypomecus quadriannulatus ♂︎, ant. 39.
Atractodes black 1: not mtd. 
Phaeogenid 1 = Aethecerus cf. discolor ♀︎, ant. 22.
Campoplegid 1

Apanteles emarginatus N.  ♀︎.
Earinus ochropes  ♀︎, ant. 34
Opius ilicis  ♂︎, ant. 28.
Pentapleura pumilio  ♀︎, dark legs, ant. 19.
Dacnusa areolaris group.  3 or 4 - none mtd.
D. bellina  ♀︎, ant. 25.
Aphidius gregarius  ♀︎, ant. 19.
Aspilota cf. fuscescens  ♀︎, ant. 17.

Procto:  1 Belytid only mtd. = Cinctus irridipennis ♂︎ AWS. 1960.
Cynipids: not mtd.

27th June 1949. 
Two beetles, Helodes marginatus & Malthodes marginatus (fide E.O'M.) taken by Cranny Burn, near the ruined cable railway house at ca. 1,100 ft.

Insects swept between road & sea, about 1 mile N. of Carnlough, Co. AN. on aft. of 28.6.1949.  See p.263 antea.

Centeterus sp.
Hemiteles  2♂︎♂︎.
Atractodes black sp.
Pimpla brevicornis  ♂︎.
Campoplegids several.  
None of the above mounted!

Apanteles (not mtd.) ♀︎.
Opius funebris  ♀︎, ant. 20.
Dacnusa areolaris group:  several, none mtd.
D. aphanta  ♂︎, ant. 26.
D. striatula  ♀︎, ant. 27.
D. didas ♂︎, ant. 32.
D. (G.)  2♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎, ant. 27, 28 & 24.

Alysia tipulae  ♀︎ with freak neuration in both front wings, ant. 36.
Chaenusa conjungens  5♂︎♂︎, amongst Glyceria fluitans:  1 mtd. ant. 23.
Ephedrus validus  ♂︎ not mtd.
Aphidius spp. about a dozen taken:  2 mtd. = 
= A. renominatus, small ♀︎, ant. 14.
A. avenae Hal.  ♀︎, ant. 17.
Chalcids, Proctos & Cynipids 4 or 5: none mtd.


Insects swept on coast (between road & sea) about 1 mile N. of Carnlough, Co. AN.  (See p.267 antea) on forenoon of 30.6.1949.

Dryinid  ♂︎ = 
Centeterus opprimator  ♂︎, ant. 24.
Cryptinids about 10: none mtd.
Homocidus obscuripes  1: not mtd.
Campoplegids several:  but only 1 (Meloboris ♀︎) mtd. = Meloboris sp. small, ♀︎, ant. 34, red coxae.
Bracon fulvipes  ♂︎, ant. 36.
Sigalphus pallipes  ♀︎, ant. 23.
Meteorus micropterus  ♂︎, ant. 27.
Opius pendulus  2♂︎♂︎, ant. both 19.
Aphaereta cephalotes  1♀︎ amongst rotting sea-weed at H.W.M.:  ant. 19.
Dacnusa areolaris group:  none mtd.
D. (Gyrocampa) uliginosa & affinis  1 each: only ♀︎ affinis mtd., ant. 22.
Chaenusa conjungens  7♂︎♂︎, 3♀︎♀︎, amongst Glyceria:  1♀︎ mtd. ant. 20.
Ephedrus validus  ♂︎, ant. 11.
Aphidius spp. about 12: none mtd.
Proctos, Chalcids & Cynipids:  1 minute, wingless, Procto, only mtd. = 
Beetles 2 = 

Taken on hotel windows in evening, Carnlough, AN., 30.6.49.  (See p.267 antea)

Hemiteles cf. gracilis group, ant. 20.
Sigalphus pallipes  ♀︎.
Aphidius gregarius  ♀︎, ant. 18.