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19.7.49, cont.  Corrig Brook, 1125 ft., DU. cont.

Apanteles cf. fulvipes  3♂︎♂︎: 1 mtd.!
Diospilus capito? small form, 1♂︎, ♀︎♀︎ abundant: {1♂︎, 1♀︎ mtd. ant. both 22.}
Dacnusa areolaris group - about a dozen: none mtd.
Aphidius avenae??  1♀︎, ant. 17, small & dark, but ? this species.
Proctos 7: one mtd. =
Chalcids 1 } not mtd.
Cynipids 2. } not mtd.

24th July '49.  14 Clareville Road, Dublin.
Took in back garden a ♀︎ Clistopyga sauberi, ant. 27;  & in house a ♀︎ Phygademonid, with red abd. & white apical segments, ant. 24 =

26th July 1949. 

A perfect day, very warm with sun & cloud! 

Joined excursion with Quaternary Geologists & Botanists run by G. F. Mitchell & went by bus to Bellurgan, Co. Louth to see raised beaches, &c. along coast of Dundalk Bay.  Listened to account of a Mesolithic kitchen midden on highest of the raised beaches, but much doubt the supposed Mesolithic date of this bed of oysters & other marine shells - even if it is a midden.  Then drove to great raised-bog just inside Co. Louth & just E. of Essexford


26.7.1949, cont.  Bog E. of Essexford, but in Co. Louth.

in Co. Monaghan - 3.0 P.M. - where swept a few insects off & around birch on cut-away part of bog S. of the road.  Went on through Carrickmacross to Knocknacran gypsum quarry to see the late Glacial & post-Glacial beds exposed there (all my notes under date of 1.7.1944!) & then back to Dublin about 7 P.M. via Carrickmacross, Ardee & Drogheda.

Insects swept off or around birch on cut-away bog just E. of Essexford, but in Co. LH.

Campoplegids 2 =
Apanteles ♀︎
A. ♀︎.
Proterops nigripennis (♀︎?) swept off birch, S. of road.

Plenty of Osmunda regalis seen in bog holes & Brunker reported Rhyncospora [[Rhynchospora]] alba further to east.

Pezomachus ♀︎ - ant. 22. bred from a spider's egg-bag by E.S.A. Baynes: probably from Glenageary: Co. Dublin July 1949.