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10th August 1949. 

After a fine night, with high & rising glass & Met. office report of approaching anticyclone & promise of several days fine weather, set off in car (Daisy, Miss Hilda Parker, & I) for Kings River & Thonelagee [[Tonelagee]], Co. WI. at 9.30 AM., although weather by this time not looking too good.  Ran into misty rain at Crooksling & observed wind gone from NW. to S;  nevertheless carried on.  Left car about 1 mile W. of Wicklow Gap at ca. 1300 ft. & walked along W. flank of Thonelagee in misty rain and cloud, on to col W. of cliffs above Lough Ouler, where on bare stony ground saw much Lycopodium clavatum, including very many young plants of it.  Dropped down to lake shore, having seen 2 Ring Ouzels (1 adult male) & three female Red Deer (one with fawn) in the corrie. 

Had lunch at foot of big gully & later worked scarps S.E. of Lough & saw two or three poor patches of Saussurea alpina, very much Alchemilla alpina, one scrap of Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea.  Still misty rain though looked like clearing every now & then & sun visible several times, but as afternoon went on any hope of clearing vanished & we climbed to highest crag S. of lough & made for the car in 


10.8.49, cont. Thonalagee, Co. WI., cont.

increasing rain.  Reached car, very wet, & drove to nearest shelter of trees down the King's River valley & there stopped & had tea in car.  Left there at 6 P.M. & home about 7 P.M.  The following day (11th) an almost perfect summer's day, though rain continued & very heavy all evening of 10th. & during night of 10th & 11th. 

Saw one ☿ Bombus jonellus at Calluna on cliffs just above Lough Ouler, during brief spell of sunshine about 1.30 P.M.  No other hymenoptera seen & no possibility of sweeping in marsh S. of the lake, which was the object of my visit - to look for Homocidus gracilentus

11th Aug. 1949. 
A most perfect day!  
Saw Red Admiral in front garden, 14 Clareville Rd., both in forenoon & afternoon & a Humming Bird Hawk-Moth at flowers of Lavender in Back Garden in afternoon