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15th Sept. 1949. 

A pleasant day, nearly all sunny after 10 AM. with strong SW-W. breeze.  In afternoon drove to the Brittas Ponds (above Slade of Saggart!) & swept W. margin of the lower (northern) pond for half an hour;  then drove back to W. side of Slade of Saggart & collected there for about an hour, as follows:

1 = W margin of lower Brittas Pond, Co. DU. alt. ca. 700 ft.  3.0-3.30 P.M.  Very hot sun!
2 = Slade of Saggart, left (W.) bank, under trees beside road at head of the Slade.
3 = Lower part of the Slade of Saggart by old road & along stream (left-bank) on way back to head of Slade.

Brittas Pond (lower), Co. DU.

Insects, taken at 1. 
[16 mtd. & these labelled 28.12.1949.]

Cryptinids 7, Hemiteles ♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎ cf. H. gracilis group.  1 small blackish ♂︎ mtd., ant. 19 =
Zootrephus suspiciosus - not mtd. & Homocidus signatus 1♂︎ each latter mtd. ant. 22.
Sigalphus cf. caudatus 2♂︎♂︎ not mtd. 
Diospilus oleraceus ♂︎ not mtd. 
Opius caesus ♂︎ - not mtd.
Alloea contracta ♀︎ - not mtd. 
Aspilota tumida ♂︎ - ant. 22. 
Dacnusa cyclops 1: not mtd.
Dacnusa elegantula 1 - not mtd. 
D. obesa m. ♀︎ ant. 28. 
Dacnusa near curtipalpis ♀︎, ant. 30 but post-petiole transverse! 
D. laevipectus 1♀︎, not mtd.
D. (G.) siniffa  ♂︎, ant. 27.
D. (G.) esbelta  1♂︎, 1♀︎ - ant. both 31.
D. polita-nigra  5♀︎♀︎ Ant. 25(4) & 26(1).
Chaenusa conjungens  2♂︎♂︎ - not mtd.
Praon abjectum  ♂︎ - not mtd.
Ephedrus validus  ♂︎: not mtd.
Proctos  5: 3 mtd.
Chalcid  1: not mtd.


15.9.49, cont.  Slade of Saggart, DU.

Taken at 2.

Phaeogenids 3.
Dicaelotus sp.  ♀︎: not mtd.
Phaeogenes impiger Wesm.?  2♀︎♀︎, ant. both 24.
Cryptinids  3:  2 mtd. = Hemiteles sp.  2♀︎♀︎, ant. 21 & 22, red on basal half.
Orthocentrus radialis  ♀︎, ant. 29.
Cteniscids 3 = Cteniscus sp.  2 (♂︎♂︎?), ant. 27 & 28.
Cteniscus sp.  1 (♂︎?), ant. 30, darker & rougher abd. than last!
Plectiscids 2 = Plectiscus cf. crassicornis?  ♀︎, ant. 21.
Plectiscus sp.  ♂︎, ant. 20.
Oncophanes lanceolator  ♀︎, large, ant. 25.
Perilitus sp.  ♀︎, very small, long terebra - 2/3 abd.!  Very nice!  Ant. 20.
Blacus sp.  ♀︎: not mtd.
Alloea contracta:  not mtd.
Tanycarpa ancilla  ♀︎; ant. 22.
Aspilota 10 = A. cynipidis  2♀︎♀︎, ant. 18 & 19.
A. minutissima  ♀︎, ant. 16.
A. sp. cf. atra  ♂︎, dimple, ant. 23, small.
A. cf. tumida?  3 minute ♂︎♂︎, nt. 16, 17, 18.
A. cf. surcularia?  small ♀︎, ant. 18.
A. cf. clara  small ♀︎, ant. 19.
A. (Synaldis) sp.  ♂︎, ant. 22.
Dacnusa areolaris, laevipectus & confinis (1♀︎): none mtd.
D. adducta ♂︎, reddish abd.!, ant. 33.