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1837.  Halidays' diary (notes from) cont. 

19th July. 
Telenomus - ♂︎
Aphiduis: in flowers of Heracleum. Sea coast.
Chorebus obedus several.

"August" [? 3rd August continued ! AWS.]
Lampronota crenicornis

Opius sylvaticus
Macrocentrus marginator ♂︎ near H.Wood.
Aphiduis pictus 1  laricis 1
Proctotrupes abund't.

Athalia. clifden.
Gryon misellus ♀︎
Aphiduis Tr. pallidus on hazel & oak.

18. Exochus ♂︎

[No date!] [Sept 6th! AWS. See par. opp. ->
Newland Burn

Ganychorus pallipes, tripudians & ruficornis
Proctotrupes calcar, pallipes longicornis.

Newland burn
Athalia pinarum
Alysia Protellae Newland B.
Alysia ♂︎ [I believe this to be the ♂︎ type of Haliday's A. lucia! AWS. 1949.]

[Newland burn continued &c.]
Colastes lanceolator
Opius - on broom.  [What I believe to be the Opius I found in Haliday's Coll. in box 6, carded, & the card labelled beneath in Halidays'writing "Broom" "Nwd" "Sept. 6.  The "Nwd" puzzled me for a long time because I thought it must be interpreted "Hwd", Haliday's normal contraction for his native "Holywood", Co. Down.  This however, places his visit to Newland burn as 6th Sept, 1837, which is confirmed by his record for Alysia pratellae & A. Lucia (Ent. Mag. vol. V, pp. 235 & 226!) in the following words:- "prope Edinoburgum Septembre ineunte", p.235, & "Habitat, prope Edinoburgum; lecta Septembre ineunte", p.226.  The discovery of the above information was not the work of one hour or one day, as there is no indication in the diary that Newland burn 
was even in Scotland! A.W.S]

[Cont. on p.8, overleaf!]


1837.  Haliday's diary (notes from) cont.

June 15th
Opuis wesmaeli
Alysia on willows
Ichneutes reunitor ♂︎ (B β ruf.)
Centistes lucidator ♂︎

Alysia tipulae
Opius celsus ♀︎ Z recond.
Trioxys from Birch Aphids

Cryptus?  Hemiteles
Oenone hians
Opius procerus

Proctotrupes pallipes, calcar, niger, parvulus,
Atractodes.  Ichneumon
Platygaster in prof

Opius maculipes ☿ ♀
Opius nitidulator ♀︎ on Willows, Battery!

3rd July  
Proctotrupes brevipenni, I. picci., & c.
Opius ... willows
Alysia ♀︎ [[strikethrough]] 4 7 [[/strikethrough]] 7th escaped - sea coast
Meteorus ictericus micropterus

5th July. 
Diapria verticullata
Roger rugulosus

Microgastes - Trichori ♂︎ several
Stigmus Troglodytes
Crabro palmipes
Atractodes several spp.
Opius cingulatus
Leiophron ater ♀︎ 2
L. muricatus
Opius - ♂︎ 1 - on willow ⊖𝛿 puncto π laev. E claus. ⊖ S W rugos 1

Blacus paganus, trivialis
G. tripudians

Pygostolus sticticus

Phylax discolor Wm. ♀︎ near planting.
Perilitus pendulator
Aphiduis Saliceti ♂︎ infulatus? ♂︎
Trioxys pallidus ♀︎ 1
T. letifer on willow
Euphorus nitidus (sect. A)
[Cont. on p.7 opposite]