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1837  Haliday's diary (notes from) cont.

20th. [May]
Xyela pusilla ♀︎ 1 
Platygaster parvus ⊖𝛿 im = &c. &c.

Eubadizon thoracicus
Microgaster spectabilis fulvipes, &c.
Alysia ruficeps: in box where I had larvae out of rotten wood, &c.

Rogas (Col.) braconius.
Ephedrus brevis, n.s. non infreq. on Birch

Oenone hians 1
Trixys aceris sat. fr.
Leiophron edentatus  1♂︎, 1♀︎

Alysia gracilis [I have no idea what this refers to! AWS.]

29.  Thunder & rain.  
Received box from F. Walker with Lapland Insects, Oxyuri, Darwyn's [sic] exotic insects - Rudd, Curtis B.E. 4 vols. Germar 2d of Ann. Soc. Ent.
Oenone mandibularis
Trioxys difformis [spinis L apice flexuos) 1 on Birch
Perilitus aethops, small ♀︎.
Pimpla? ♂︎ F subtus crenatus.  [Sounds like the ♂︎ of Pimpla (Troctocerus) elegans, Woldst. A.W.S]

June 1
Aphelopus deltiger
Alysia junceti  [This was Haliday's own name for Pentapleura pumilio Nees.  A.W.S.]
Trioxys B 11e  Willows, Knocknagony.
Platygaster [[?]]
Tenthredinidae  A fasciat. 
1 not rare.

Perilitus tempestivus ♀︎ on willow
Proctotrupes ephippium  Grassunder Do. [i.e. willow AWS.]

June 6th.
Ichneutes reunitor Clifden
Teleas ♂︎ U late striato [or ? stricto]
Ephedrus lacertosus & plagiator

June 7th.  [Holywood Co. Down]
Monoctonus sellatus  1
Opius blandus 1
O. impressus & carbonarius
Oenone hians several

[Cont. on p.6 overleaf!]


1837.  Haliday's Diary (notes from) cont.

[Cont. from p.3 ->]

* April 17.
Microdus thoracicus on an oak tree
Thornton Watlas [[Watlass]] [i.e. in N. of England & specimen, a ♀︎, beautifully carded & labelled subsequently found by me in box 39 of Haliday's coll.  A.W.S.]

May [before 9th! A.W.S.]
Platygaster freqt.
Aphidius, Monoctonus, Trioxys.
Ichneumones few.
Exochus talpa

(Ancylus) Leiophron edentalus 1♀︎
Dacnusa areolaris, &c. freqt.
Opius apiculator
Microgaster fulvipes
Proctotrupes laricis C

Microdus ochropes ♂︎ ♀︎

Cont. ->

[16th May 1837, cont.]
Rogas testaceus  1
Perilitus aethiops ♀︎ parva C nigro
Platygaster ♂︎ Be4 globoso
Nomada &
Megaspilus ♀︎, with small acari hot bed.
Hemiteles fulvipes hot bed
Exochus talpa ♀︎

Dryinis ♀︎ collare majus Du liberis
Ephedrus Be 19-11 artle connat. Ue' breviβ rectangul. ⊖𝛿 glaber.  [For enlarged photo. reproduction of this part of diary see Stelfox in Proceedings R.I. Acad. XLVI, Sect. B. No.10, p.130. 1941.]
Aphidius leucopterus
Exochus talpa  ♂︎ ♀︎
Many Ichneumonidae
Dacnusa affinis (uliginosa)
Teleas elatior 
Euphorus pallipes

[Cont. on p.5 opposite!]

Transcription Notes:
Original transcriber interpreted this as a two columned table and attempted transcribing from left to right across both columns on each page. Second transcriber followed each column down, left to right. Please determine is needed for readability in transcription. 2. I think these pages work best as straight lists of what was found on what date. So have removed the columnar format.