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4.10.49, cont.  Taken at 2! W. of Killeen, Co-DU. 

[7 mounted & labelled 5.10.49.]

Hemiteles spp.  2 minute ♂︎♂︎: not mtd.
Mesochorus sp.  1 minute ♂︎: not mtd.
Phaenocarpa flavipes  ♂︎, ant. 31.
Ph. conspurcator  ♀︎: not mtd.
Aspilota spp. 3 = A. ruficornis  ♂︎, ant. 24.
A. tumida?  ♀︎, ant. 16/17, small, & 
A. (Synaldis) laevipectus sp. n. ♀︎, ant. 18, with segments 3 & 4 both minute!
Dacnusa pubescens, maculipes, &c.  About 15: none mtd.
Chaenusa conjungens  1♀︎, ant. 21.
Aphidius brassicae  ♀︎; ant. 14.
Proctos  10:  1 mtd. = 
Cynipid  1: not mtd.

4.10.49, cont.
Red Admiral Butterfly seen in back garden 14 Clareville Rd., at noon.

8th Oct. 1949.

Dull with drizzle from 3 P.M. on 7th, most of the night & today all day till 6.30 P.M. when cleared from W.  Wind E. light, but a much cooler day than previous week, & yet about midday in spite of dark clouds & drizzle the garden full of ♂︎♂︎ of Vespa germanica flying around tops of trees & bushes & very few coming within reach of net.  Caught two only & saw one ☿ knock down a fly amongst cottages & go after it, but did not catch it apparently.  John Palmer reported seeing a pair of wasps in cop. near Orwell Bridge on 7th.


9th to 11th Oct. '49.

Mostly hot, with drizzle, & ull, yet every day male wasps haunted the garden.

12th Oct. 1949.

A fine day, mainly very hot sun, but very strong SW. wind until late afternoon when it began to drop;  warm & soft.

In afternoon rode on bikes to Clondalkin & then down canal towards Killeen;  spent 1 1/2 hours sweeping edges of turnip field as on 4th:  S. side of field in good shelter, but E. side where most taken on 4th too windy.  Swept three areas as follows:-

1st sucker.  S. side of field & principally under shelter of hedge.
2nd sucker.  E. side & some from S. side on way back to canal.
3rd sucker.  A few taken along W. side parallel to canal.

Turnip field, between Grand Canal & Camac River, W. of Killeen, Co. DU.

[45 mtd. & these labelled on 18.10.1949!]

The contents of the 3 suckers not kept separate below as nothing of importance in any!

Phaeogenid ♀︎ at 1 = Ischnus nigricollis ♀︎, ant. 32.
Cryptinids 7: 3 mounted = Hemiteles cf. gracilis group, small ♂︎, ant. 19.
Phygadeuon? sp.?  1♂︎, 1♀︎, ant. 23 & 20;  tergite 2 "lederartig".
Stenomacrus spp. 4 = St. curvicaudatus  1♂︎, 1♀︎, ant. 27 & 25;  very nice pair!
St. cf. vafer??  1♂︎, 1♀︎, ant. both 22;  also very nice pair;  pale stigma!!
Erromenus brunnicans?  ♀︎?, ant. 27.