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19th-30th Nov. 1949.  

Weather continued mild till end of month, with some nice dry days, but mainly damp & a good deal of rain.  No more ♂︎ wasps seen, but ☿☿ numerous at ivy blossom.

Mr. Ellis's Laurestinus with first flowers on on 30th.

N.B. Miss Roche (Nat. Mus.) was home for holidays at New Ross, WX., at end of Oct & came back with the news that Snowdrops were out in their garden; also Daisy reported one out in a garden in Kenilworth Square early in Nov.

Dec. 1949. 

Very mild up till 8th. when sudden cold & more showers at 10 AM.  Hills covered with snow above 700 ft.  Heavy snow during night of 8th-9th & again during forenoon of 9th - ca. 4-5 inches in garden, followed by frost on night of 9th & all 10th.  Some thaw on afternoon of 11th & during night.  Quite mild on 12th & all snow gone in Dublin by dark.  On 10th at 11 A.M. saw flock of 10 to 20 Long-tailed Tits by the Dodder in new park above Orwell Bridge - reported here by J.P. Brunker about a fortnight earlier - & again saw them at same place near footbridge at 11.30 A.M. on 11th.  These Tits had not been seen about Dublin since the great cold of Jan. March 1947.


16th Dec. 1949. 

Walked round by Orwell Bridge, down Dodder & home by Dartry.  In garden opposite bus stop at gate of Dartry & next but one to the old tram shed saw in front garden a bush of Forsythia with quite a few of the flowers out - & out some days at least! 

18th Dec. (Sunday) 
A dreadful day of rain & gale from dawn till dark.

24th-27th Dec. 

Turned mild & mainly dry over Xmas.  Very wet on some days; fine at night; drizzle on 26th, very fine in forenoon of 27th, but rain in afternoon.  On 26th. walked from Crumlin (54 bus) via Greenhills & Tymon Castle to Firhouse & home by 49 bus.  By the stream N. of Tymon Castle the usual Hazel bush had one ♀︎ flower full open, but we could see none of the ♂︎ catkins shedding pollen though many almost ready to do so!  Leaves on Viola odorata seen of late autumn growth but no flowers.  On 27th took bus to Firhouse & walked via Woodtown, Mt. Venus, & Rockbrook to Kilmashogue, in forenoon, when much very hot sun, & home at 1.30 by bus.  Saw ivy still in bloom at Firhouse on 26th. & at Kilmashogue Bridge on 27th, but no sign of wasps at either places.

28th Dec. 

First Snowdrop under drawing room window fully open.  A lovely mild day with much warm sun.