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14th April 1950. 

Cold but mainly sunny, NE. wind, with several slight showers in afternoon of hail & sleet.  

In afternoon drove to Glenasmole & left car at middle lodge & then walked back along E. side of lower lake to the 3rd coomb - now nearly destroyed, like the 2nd, by slips.  On route visited several new sandpits recently opened & also the famous "willow glade" where in past years I have taken so many nice Parasitica, &c.  The larger trees in the glade were all chopped up for fuel during the war & a fearful mess made of the place, but I was glad to note that the willows (S. cinerea) have now grown up once more & the glade almost in the condition of 15 years ago & looks as if it would repay working by early May.  On these willows I formerly took Bathystomus funestus Hal. & Phaenocarpa galatea Hal., as well as other species.  Saw Bluebells in flower in wood, cowslips Carex praecox & Pedicularis sylvatica in flower in the pasture above the wood!

Kippure with much snow, but only on top 200 feet, that is above 2,300 ft.  Several Willow Warblers heard but no Chiff chaffs & no Swallows to be seen, though J.P. Brunker reported Sand Martins & Swallows the previous week.

Did not collect.

Horse Chestnut tree in flower at Westfield Park Harold's Cross Rd.


16th April 1950.

A poor day with little sun in forenoon & none in afternoon, when showers about but missed us.  Chilly, with strong S. breeze.  Marcus Graham with us!

In afternoon drove to Deey Lock - the 13th lock in on Royal Canal, 1/2 mile W. of Louisa Bridge, Leixlip, Co. Kildare - as often before, where left car.  Walked W. along two path for about 1/2 mile & while Graham swept I beat but neither of us produced very much in the way of Hymenoptera.

Insects taken, either by myself or Graham.

Hemiteles cf. gracilis  ♀︎ swept by Graham.
Campoplegid  ♀︎ beaten - given to Graham.
Meteorus deceptor?  ♀︎, ant. 38-segmented, beaten out of clump of ivy in hedge.
Monoctonus cf. nervosa  ♀︎, minute, swept by G.
Hemipteron off Hornbeam = 
Sawfly larvae:  minute - nearly hatched - black larvae beaten out of Scots Pine:  about a dozen brought home & by noon on 17th some of these had arranged themselves in a ring round a pine needle & were feeding with the herbs all level, thus [[image]] [[caption]] twice net. size! [[/caption]].  They were less than 2 m. long with very large heads & were quite able to eat the needles! = Diprion sertifer!

Of the sawfly larva only 2 lived to go down about 1st week of June & one a ♂︎ emerged on August, 1950.

Transcription Notes:
Couple of [[?]] that need another pair of eyes!