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21.5.50. cont.  Moreton & Winfrith Heath, Dorset, cont.

which must have been quite dry nearly all last year, 1949, during the great drought, & even after the shower today & previous day's rain, were almost quite dry.  These pans were dotted all over with minute plants (1 shilling to 2/6 size) of Drosera intermedia (longifolia) & D. rotundifolia (the former predominating!) while the drier Heath held much Erica ciliaris E. cinerea & Calluna, with Salix repens & Genista tinctoria.  Had lunch on summit of Hill 163 & after lunch walked to Moreton village & back to Moreton station to catch 3.40 train back to Dorchester.  Meikle left for London at 6.8 PM.  On roadside going N. from Blacknoll to railway on short sward through Heath saw more Tillaca & Meikle discovered Moenchia erecta, Trifolium filiforme, T. scabrum, Viola lactea, V. canina, & V. Riviniana, Plantago coronopus, &c.  Heavy thunder shower caught us up at railing bridge & it drizzled or rained almost till we reached Moreton station, between which & the village saw much nice birch scrub where wood had been cut perhaps ten years ago.

Did not collect any insects during walk, except ♂︎ Stenomacrus taken under leaf of lime (?) near Moreton station, ant. 27-seg. =


21.5.50 - cont.  Dorchester
5 till 6 P.M.

Back garden of Bridge Hotel, during very hot sunny spell between showers.

Cryptinid running on trunk of apple tree. 1♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎ = abt. 25 (♂︎), 23 (♀︎♀︎)
Pimpline parasite of Pemphredon ♂︎  = Perithous mediator ♂︎, ant. 35.
Homocidus cf. megaspis Th.?  ♂︎, ant. 22;  tergite 2 rather elongate as in longiventris.
Sawfly = Allantus cinctus ♂︎
Crabro "leucostomus" ♂︎: many seen! 
Pemphredon lugubris ♂︎
Trypoxlon figulus  2♂︎♂︎: many seen!
Anthophora pilipes  ♂︎ at flowers of Lungwort.
Osmia rufa  5♂︎♂︎: some worn
O. fulviventris  ♂︎, fresh.
Vespa ♀︎ seen (? sp.). 
Bombus agrorum  ♀︎.
Lasius cf. niger?  ☿☿ abundant on path & up trunk of apple.