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27.5.50, cont. "Withy Bed", on right bank of R. home
at Muckleford, near Dorchester, Dorset, 4:30 P.M
Result- of two sweeps amongst Salvie, nettle, Spiraea, reeds, &c.
but all full of Helix hortensia!
Empria sp. 2♂♂.
Mesoteiid ♀= [missing 1.1.1951! A.W.S.]
Perigonid, red abd. ant. 26., ♀=
Apanteles emarginatus? ♀,[[?]] wings
Daenusa abdita ♂ ant. 36.

27.5.50 cont. Frampton Wood, near Dorchester, Dorset
2.30-4.15 P.M. Very wind, chilly, after some sun; little out.
Sandflies. [[?]]. Allantus? wasp-like sp. ♀ =
Tenthredopsis nanata ?  ♂ .
Athalia lugens ♀.  Athalia cordata ♀, ♂♂ common.
Andrena Wilkella (check mark) hde graham. ♂ Dryinid ÷ Aphelophun melaleneus ♂, tide O.W.R. 
Myumica mjinodi abundant. m. ♀ (divider) ♂, jide O.W.R.
Lch.- (Caj?ptinid) 6 = Hemitale Z. ♀, ant. 20
Phyjademon? Z ♂, ant.22. Shy? Z ant. 19.
Chorunasu Pegomachu Z  Z 1(♀') Carg up.; ant.33
Paomeths zulcator ♂ ; ant. 25 .
Can jrjloziel ♀, ant. 34.


27.5.50, cont. Frampton Wood, Dorset, cont.
Megastylus crentator ♂, ant. 45.
Apanteles       ♂
Euphorus carinifrons michi. ♀, ant. 20. E julipas var? ♀ ant.16.
Meteorus cinctellus ? ♀, ant. 26.
Blacus aujricowni ♀, ant. 20
Opui Z. ♂, closed mouth; no dimple; pale ego; ant.28/29
O-Z ♀,tirifa 1/2 old; legs dark; no dimple, ant. 22.
Phaenoeaifa [[?]] I [[ronald?]] divl, ♀, ant. 29.
Arpilota  off. S. = A. of. ♂, -with dimple! dark legs. ant. 24; month propeberm
A of. ♀, with dimple, smooth [[?]], pale legs; ant.20.  A. of. 2♀♀, with dimple, [[?]], darkind legs; ant both 20.A of [[?]] mili var. ♂, with dark legs; ant. 16
Daennsa maeulipe ♂, ant. 23.
D. Feortrea [[?]] J mall ♀, ant. 31.
Proetos. of

blobcid 2.
bynipid 2 (i tirtacaou)

Transcription Notes:
♀ ♂ ÷