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List of Aculeates taken in Dorset by A.W. Stelfox 1950

18th May. Coombe Wood
Andrena synadelpha 2♂♂, 1♀. A. minutula ♀
A. varians 2♂♂. A. fucata 1♂, 2♀♀.
Nomada "ruficornis" RCLP's paper 1♂,1♀.
N. flavoguttata ♂. Sphecodes divisus ♀
Salius pestaslator ♀. S. clementi ?♀ (with Graham!)
Nysson spinosus ♂. Dryininds 10.

18th May. Cerne Valley, N. of Charminston.
Andrena buchephala ♂ (almost certainly in Hawthorn) on summit of hill 420 S. of Asylum! (or mental Hospital!!)
A. nitida ♂. A. minutula ♀. Nomada goodeniana ♂.

21st May 5-6 P.M. Garden behind Bridge Hotel, Dorchester.
Crabro leucotomoides common. Pemphredon lugubris ♂
Trypoxylon figulus common. Anthophora pilipes.
Osmia rufa common. O. fulviventris ♂

22nd May. Top of W. cliffs 1 of Portand, quarries, [[?]]
Halictus leucozonius ♀. H. albipes 3♀♀. Odynerus pictus? seen. [[?]] [[?]]
Psithyrus rupestris 2 ♀♀ seen. Osmia aurulenta common.
Dryinid = Dicondylus ♂? Leptothorax tuberum fide J.F. Perkins

Transcription Notes:
Species of bees and wasps in England (more specifically Dorset...?) I believe where there's a slight indent, it's a continuation of the previous line(s)