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11.4.51 cont. 

low over the water, which on closer inspection proved to be about fifty-fifty Swallows & sand martins in a mixed flock of between 50 & 100 birds.  Picked up J.P. Brunker at Fir House on return journey - he having been the round from Crumlin Cross - Green Hills - Tymon Castle; Babrothery - Fir House - & he reported seeing a Sandpiper by the Dodder, but had not seen a Swallow or Sand Martins.

12th - 15th April 1951. 

Cold, lots of sun, but very heavy hail showers, with heavy rain in afternoon & evening of 15th, when Summer Time commenced. 

On Sunday aft. 15th walked to Dodder Park & down river from Orwell Bridge to Dartry & so home.  Drizzle at times, milder in shelter than recently, but very strong cold W-NW. wind blowing down river.  Heard one Chiff-chaff singing in Murphy's above the river & 3 Warblers - presumably Chiff-chaffs, at bend in river above Dartry Dye Works, where one seen on 10th April, catching flies over the water like Flycatchers.  Many Swallows & Sand Martins flying up & down river at same place.  One of the Warblers almost collided with one of the Swallows, but whether they were after the same insect I dont know. The Warblers refused to sing but Daisy heard them talking!


[[margin]] Draba Verna from sandy roadside in Glenasmole below 2nd lodge! 18.4.51 [[/margin]]

18th April 1951. 

Daisy's 65th birthday! and the second mild sunny spring day in succession.  Drove in aft. to Glenasmole & found it full of Willow Warblers, as well as Chiffchaffs, & saw a few each Sand Martins & Swallows on the lower reservoir.  Left car above Mrs Doyle's & walked to footbridge at Caretakers lodge & the climbed path & went N. along top of scarp on east ridge of head of lower lake to the "Wilbor Glade" overlooking caretaker's house & found it not recently disturbed except by horses & worth exploring in May! 

19th April 1951  

East wind & cooler than 17th & 18th with dense haze & mist off sea from 10 AM till 1 PM, but then mainly hot sun for the rest of afternoon.  Left home in car at 11:30 & drove via Ennisberry to Glen of the Downs where had lunch half-way down & then spent an hour in hot sun & shelter on E. side of glen & river, where tried a little sweeping, but beyond one Cynipid & one bug (Pentatoma rufipes) saw nothing of interest in net.  

On a bare working spot facing SW. saw quite a few ♂︎♂︎ of Andrena minutula & took one.  Also captured a ♀︎ Amblyteles quadripunctorius ♀︎ with all black abdomen.

At 2:15 drove on to John Palmers & picked up himself & his wife & drove to the plateau where sat in hot sun on sheltered side of stone wall for nearly an hour