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19.4.51, cont.  Returned to Greystones to leave the Palmers home & then drove over The Windgate's road to Bray, thence to Stillorgan where turned across to Dundrum & so home.  Found nearly the whole area between Dundrum & Stillorgan covered with new roads & houses, having been "developed" since we were there last about 2 years ago.  It would appear that the bulk of the population of "The Republic" (or 26-counties of S. Ireland) will soon live in greater Dublin, which in my opinion has now become an ever growing monster, whose fast growth cannot be checked & is bound to lead to a national disaster.  In the meantime the jerry-builder is having it all his own way.

20th April '51.  In afternoon drove to Woodtown, left car & walked up the hill to Military Road & back.  Saw much Goldilocks, (Ranunculus auricomus) in ditch (facing south), with a few flowers out.  Blackthorn also seen out by Daisy. Andrena gwynana ♂︎♀︎ & Salius "fuscus" ♂︎♂︎ seen in ditch.

21st April '51.  The fifth fine day with E. wind & very hot sun.  In afternoon, Daisy, George & I, drove via Rathcool & Redgap to Johnstown Ho., where left car, & walked up road which leads over shoulder of Slieve Thoule [[Thoul]] to Brittas Ponds, as far as the coll & back to car.  Saw 1♀︎ Bombus agrorum on Cowslip Flower. 


22nd April 1951.  Another perfect day;  all sunny & very hot in shelter.  Drove in afternoon to Deey Loch on Royal Canal, W. of Leixlip, Co. KD. & walked on nearly to Carton gate.  Tried a little sweeping by tow path, but very little out.

Hemiteles bicolorinus group:  2♂︎♂︎ taken in same sweep
Dacnusa laevipectus & areolatus  several ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎ of each.
Aphidius sp.  ♂︎.
Proctos.  5.
Hemipera 2.  Pentatoma rufipes & very small species = Orius majusculus Reuter  ♀︎, fide A.M. Massee, 1964.  New to Ireland.
Donacia  common species on canal bank.

23rd April.  Entirely hot sun all day, wind still E. but less cold.  Slight shower at 7 AM. as wind went E. but this soon cleared & by 10 A.M. not a cloud in sky

24th April.  Much warmer!  Very hot sun in forenoon with E. breeze.  By 2 P.M. wind W. & jam formed over Rathmines.  Vegetation coming on apace, Carex montana, C. stricta, Salix nigricans (Cavan) 

Transcription Notes: