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24.4.51, cont.

Salix arbuscula (Scotland), Red (garden) Mossy Saxifrage in front garden all in flower;  Primroses, Cowslip, Ranunculus auricomus, Sea Pink (Brandon Mt.), also in flower & many other things on point of flowering.

25th April 1951. 

Mild, mainly sunny where we were, with variable breeze, NW., W., SW, & then about 4 P.M. suddenly turned NE.  Left home in car at 11.15 AM & drove via Brittas & Kilbride Camp to highest point on the Military Road between Kilbride Camp & Kippure House where left car & walked up W. face of Seefin, 2,042 ft.  Took lunch on scree just below & W. of summit about 1 P.M. & then on past the cairn & across the col between Seefin & Seefingan & up to summit of latter, 2,364 ft. & back to car via S shoulder of Seefin at 4 o'clock, where had aft. tea & then drove home via Athdown.  On way up W face of Seefin saw much Hymenophyllum unilaterale amongst the scree, some patches in full sun by 12 noon & yet looking fresh & green even after being recently under snow. 

On approaching summit of Seefingan at ca. 2,300 feet saw several scraps of Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea growing amongst the Calluna, &c. 


25.4.31, cont.  Seefin & Seefingan, Co. WI., cont.

Collected mosses & liverworts for Miss Thomson from 1,500 ft. upwards, amongst scree, on rocks of cairn on Seefingan & on Scirpus - Eriophorum moore, on SW. slopes of latter.  Two small patches of snow beside gully which we know as "The Ruddy Gash" between Seefin & Seefingan & which drains down into Kilbride Camp.  Much snow still on N. face of Mullaghcleevaun outlining in patches extending E. & W. for almost a mile the area once filled by a corrie glacier towards close of the last Glacial Period, an especially large vertical drift marking the extreme W. end of this corrie.

Saw about 6 or 8 Emperor Moths flying over moor between Military Road & lower scree on Seefin & very many specimens (♂︎♂︎) of a Dolerus (Sawfly) near & below the road, which no doubt were all D. aeneus, but none examined.

While having tea watched a ♀︎ rufa flying around & heard a bumble bee at lunch place ca. 1,900 ft. alt.

Saw two Wheatears by car on return.  

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