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12.5.51, cont.  Ballinascorney - Ballymorefinn Hill, DU., &c.

but no plants of any interest seen after leaving the overflow channel, where in wet spots above the quarry lots of Ranunculus lenormandi in flower.  Tried sweeping in one rushy swamp but no hymenoptera seen. 

Emperor moths frequent, flying over the heather on the higher ground.  Leaving Ballymorefin Hill, struck SW toward fence along N. edge of the new Forestry plantation on N. face of Seecawn & [[?]] down along this fence to get back to the Military Road [[image]] [[?]] S. of where left car.  As the track along the fence also enclosed a small stream left it to walk along edge of moor on N. side of track.  On coming to the main stream* crossed it a few yards N. of the Forestry Fence & on ascending it, left (W.) bank found quite a lot of Lycopodium clavatum beside sheep path & straggling through quite long Calluna, Vaccinium, &c., extending along the left bank for 10-20 yards here & there.  So far as I recollect this plant - formerly common in the Dublin hills - not seen in Co. Dublin for some time, though in this I may be wrong. [See my note in I.N.J. 1951. AWS.]

*. This stream is the head of the Brittas River! 


13th May 1951. Whit Sunday.  A very fine day, but some cloud & keen N.E. wind:  much cooler than on 12th.  In afternoon drove to Royal Canal at Deey Lock, Co. KD. & walked back to Mr Mitchell's plantation (Collinstown Ho.) inside which vegetation well advanced & ungrazed by cattle.  Swept inside plantation for half an hour but very few hymenoptera.  Later swept edge of canal & tow path but very little out.  Saw first dragonfly I think a ♀︎ Pyrosoma nymphaea by canal. 

Here took the following Hymenoptera:- 
[8 mounted & these labelled 19.5.1951.] 

Rhogogaster aucupariae  1♂︎ at E. end of plantation
Cryptinids  5♂︎♂︎ including Atractodes tenebricosus and Cryptinid ♂︎, ant. 25 = 
Thersilochus sp.  2♂︎♂︎, one on endge of canal;  ant. both 22.
Sigalphus aciculatus Ratz.?  6♂︎♂︎ flying round tips of hawthorn some bushes of which in bud & leaf:  1♂︎ mtd., ant. 25.
Dacnusa aphanta  ♂︎, not mtd.
D. bellina?  ♂︎, ant. 28.
D. longiradialis, areolaris  4 (♂︎ & ♀︎): none mtd.
Several Chalcids seen in net, but no Proctos.
Dipteron =
Weevil = 

16th May 1951.  After several dull, cold, days, with rain on night of 14th, a fine day;  dull in forenoon but sunny in aft.  In afternoon drove to road X above Jobstown & walked up to Tumoling Pool & thence to summit of Knocknarea (1306 ft.) & back to car.  Lovely views from summit.

Transcription Notes:
♂♀☿ image = pressed grass tufts