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21st. June 1951.  

Very warm, mainly sunny in forenoon, with S.W. breeze.  Wind turned SE. about 1.30 P.M. & a jam formed over Dublin & heavy rain set in at 2 P.M.  We left home at 2.10 in heavy rain & drove in rain on flooded roads to Dundrum & just beyond Sandyford on to dry roads.  Thence via Kilternan, Shankill & Bray to Greystones, where picked up John & Una Palmer & drove on to The Murrough at Killoughter where arrived about 3.45 & left at 5.35, Greystones (left) at 6.10 & home at 6.57 exactly.  Collected by sweepong at Killoughter & filled two suckers.  No rain S. of Sandyford but quite dull & strong SE. breeze along coast.

Killoughter, Co. WI.
1 = Outside railway for 1/2 mile N. of Killoughter lane.
2 = Edge of marsh, inside railway for 1/2 mile N. of Killoughter lane.

Palmer reported many bumble bees including a lovely Bombus distinguendus ♀︎ & he & I also saw B. lucorum ♀︎, B. muscorum frequent, B. derhamellus ♀︎ & B. lapidarius ♀︎♀︎.  
Ceropales maculatus 3 or 4 swept at 1.


21.6.51, cont.  Killoughter, WI., cont.

Taken at 1.
[25 mounted from 1 & these labelled on 19.3.1952.]

Platylabus cf. pedatorius ♀︎, ant. 39. 
Orthopelma sp.n.? ♀︎, mtd. on its back! ant. 18. probably amongst Rosa spinosissima! 
Perilissus cf. nigripes 2♀︎♀︎: 1♀︎ mtd., ant. 23.
Meloboris sp. ♀︎, ant. 30.
Bracon anthracinus ♀︎: not mtd:
Apantiles sp. 6♂︎♂︎, 2♂︎♂︎ mtd., very white wings!
Opius misella sp.n. ♀︎ Type! A.W.S. 19.3.52.  Near brevis sp.n. miki, but wont fit!
Dacnusa cyclops  1 small ♂︎ with remarkably cubical head; ant. 28.
[D. areolaris? 2♂︎♂︎: not mtd.]
D. vitripennis m. 1♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎, ant. 31, 29 & 30.
D. misella? ♀︎, ant. 20, legs rather dark.
D. laevipectus? ♀︎, ant. only 21.
Chalcids 5♀︎♀︎, 2♀︎♀︎ mtd., small very green metallic sp. =
Also 2 minute: not mtd.
Hemipteron. Therapha hyoscyami 1
Diptera: several: 2 mtd. = Thereva -.

Beetles minute! 7: all mtd. =

[On 21.6.51 found a large specimen of the weevil Mesites tardyi in the Killarney Fern case, in the wood of which (or the fern!) the beetle has bred & regularly appeared since I kept in the case bored sticks brought from Powerscourt dpk. more than or about 20 years ago! A.W.S.]