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27.8.51, cont.  N. Bull, DU., cont.

Taken at 2, cont.

Dacnusa cyclops 1: not mtd/ Coelinius viduus ♂, ant. 43. 
D. nigro-pygmaea m. 1♂ (ant. 27) 1♀ (ant. 25.) : cf. ♀♀ from [[?]] & Strudagh August 1938.

Praon cf. objectum 6 very minute ♂♂: 1 only mtd. = ♂, ant. 17.
Aphidius cf. avenae. 7 (♂ & ♀): none mtd.  A. sp. ? ♀, ant.18.
A. dissolutus 3♂♂; 1♂ only mtd. : ant. 16.
Proctos 12 : none mtd.

Chalcids. 18: none mtd.

Cynipids 3 minute: none mtd.
Beetle 1 =
Dipteron 1 = Asilid = Philonicus albiceps?

Also saw Common Blue, Grayling & Meadow Brown Butterflies.

30th August,
4th-5th Sept. 1951.
Garden, &c., 14 Clareville Rd., Harold's Cross; DU.
Cryptus titubator Thumb. ♀ taken in bathroom, 30.8.51.

Phygadeuon ? sp. ?   ♂, in motor-house on 4.9.51.
11 same sp.!  ♂, in garden, 5.9.51.


5th. Sept. 1951. Very close & warm with rain in late afternoon, after much rain. In afternoon drove with Mr. & Mrs Higgs to Rye Water, Leixlip, Co. KD, to show Mr Higgs how to dredge canal for mollusea & how to collect land-shells also. Took one sweep along canal on the aqueduct over the Rye Water & 1♀ Pezomachus taken on stonework of Louisa Bridge while looking for shells.

Rye Water, Co. KD. [only 2 mtd. & these labelled 28.12.1951.]
Pezomachus sp. ♀, on wall at Louisa Bridge: ant. 18.
Prosapha speculum ♀, ant. 15.
Dacnusa areolaris ♂. D.(G.) affinis ♀ : none mounted
Proctos : 2  Chalcid 1. none mounted

6th Sept. 1951. A very nice fine, warm, day with much hot sun & gentle N. breeze, after a wet night. Grass, &c., still wet at 6 P.M. in shelter.

In afternoon drove to Glenasmole & walked & picked blackberries round the upper reservoir, but did a little collecting, as follows! — 
1 = Swept by path from Mr. Murphy's to gate at spillway
2 = Swept at head of upper reservoir
3 = Swept amongst weeds at N. end of Mr. Murphy's potato patch in plantation & from that to footbridge.

Transcription Notes:
♂♀☿ .