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6.9.51, cont.  Glenasmole, DU., cont.

Taken at 3, cont.

Biosteres procerus ♂ : not mtd.
Blacus ruficornis ♀: not mtd. Diospilus morosus ♀, ant. 21.
Aspilota cynipidis 1 small ♀, ant. 18.
A. sp near fuscescens but with long, 20. seg. ant.; dusky legs: 1 ♀.
Dacnusa areolaris, pubescens, laeripealies, maculipes, + longiradialis, 19 altozethon: none mtd.
Ephedrum nalidus small ♀ not mtd. Aphidius sp. ♂ not mtd. 
Proctor, 6: none mtd. 
Cynipid 1: not mtd. 

9th Sept. 1951. (Sunday). A nice morning, with E wind + rather "smoky", with heavy rain in hills at H. P. M. (only a few drops in Dublin!) In afternoon drove to Woodend, Blemington, Co. WI., where sun on arrival at ca. 3.0 PM., but gran very wet in shelter + strong E. wind. Later wind dropped suddenly + not a leaf stirred + then drip + hearing rain. Left for home about 4:30 + had to change wheel in Blemington main street, but nevertheless home at 5.30.


9.9.51, cont. Woodend, Co. WI.

Collected by sweeping latreen road + reservoir (as before) in 2 areas: –
1 = in small triangular plantations by road (as before).
2 = on sheltered side of hedge along strip of old (abandoned) road just W. of 1, where Salia + Alder.

Insects taken at 1. [32 mounted from 1 + there labelled 19.12.1951.]
Platylabus dimidiatis ♂, ant. 32. Stilpnus gagatis? 2 ♂♂: not mtd.
Cryptinid, ♀ black polished abd. ant. stout, 26. seg. ? an fehnenmoninae? with projecting terebra. Same as ♀ taken at Athdown, WI, on (4)13.8.1944. Past in coll. near Cryptus viduatoruis but not related to this! AWS. 19.12.51.                  
Hemitiles cf. apertus ♂ + 3 other ♂ Hemitiles spp none mounted!

Linonota sulphurifera? ♂, ant. 41; all coxal black.
Colpomeria quadrisenepta ♀: not mtd.
Promethes cognalies ♂ & P. pulchellus 3♂♂, 2♀♀: none mtd. 
Cteniseus sp. ♂, ant. 26. Enochus sp.? nov.? 1, ant. 26 very nice! Cf. one taken at Bornis, CW. on 10.6.35.
Polyblastus sp. red abd., black femora, ♂, ant. 29. 
Stanomaerus ventralis 1 ♂, 1 ♀ {not mtd. St. rideluadies ? 2♂♂: not mtd.
Mesoaharus sp. ♀, ant. 39. Agrypon septentriouale? ♀ ant. 32.
Campepligids 4; none mtd.
Aperiteptus cf. albepalpis 1♂, ant. 20. Proclitus cf. socius Hal. ♀, ant. 18.
Megaotylus sp nov.? ♂, ant. only 33.
Myrianthrus cingulator ♂, ant. 34.                     

Transcription Notes: