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12.9.51, cont.  Jobstown, DU., cont.

Biosteres procerus 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀: not mtd.

Blacus ruficornis 6 (♂ or ♀) & B. diversicornis 5 ♀♀: none mtd.

B. trivialis ♀: mot mtd.

Macrocentrus ♂ (long 2nd cubital): not mtd.

Deospilus odinaceus ♂: not mtd.

Pentapleura pumilio 1 ♂,♀♀♀: not mtd.

Pheanocarpa ruficeps 5 ♂♂, 1 ♀ & Ph. conspurcator ♀: none mtd.

Aphaereta major & tenuiconis 1 of each: neither mtd.  

Aspilota ruficornis 3 ♀♀ & eight others: 4 mtd. = A. sp. near rufifemur but ant. only 18 & seg. 4 slender & little shorter than 3!

A. concinna ♂, ant.  A. tumida 1 nice ♀, ant. 18.

A. (Synaldis) distracta, dark ♀, ant. 17.

Dacnusa areolaris, longiradialis, maculipes, pubescens & laevipectus 22. none mtd.!

D. aphanta 6. not mtd. D. elegantula 8. 2 ♂♂ mtd. ant. 31 & 32. D. cyclops 2 not mtd. D. diremta 2: not mtd.

D. leptogaster Hal. ♂, ant. 30.  D. sp ? ♂, ant. 28 (? near aphanta)

D. termia Nixon: 2 ♂♂, ant. 29 & 34.

D. (G.) affinis 5 ♀♀ & Chaenusa conjunjons 3 ♂♂: none mtd

Ephedrus lacertosus 1 ♀ } Praon sp. 4 } 
Aphidius spp 2 dozen} none mtd. 

Proctos about 30 } Chalcids, 12 } 
Cynipids, 7 } Very abundant
{1 large Chalcid only mounted { ? = Trigonoderus princeps Westwood. ♀


Collected by R.C. Faris in Shannon Wood, Ballinagh, Co. Cavan. 9th Sept. 1951.

Bracon sp. near nitidulus mihi 3♂♂, 7♀♀

Acoelius subfasciatus ♂

Pezomachus spp. about 6, only one mtd. = 

17th Sept. 1951. A fine day, but no sun, with S.W. wind, after a clear cold night.

Picked up at Terenure by E.S.A. Baynes at 10.30 & driven to Skerries Bog, N. of Athey, Co. Kildare, where arrived about noon, after a halt at Athey. Found the best ground (where collected in previous years!) had been entirely burnt in June 1950 & useless. Swept birch, Salix, &c before & after lunch, till 3.45 PM. S. & E. of railway bridge 1/2 mile N. of Kilberry before lunch & N.E. of bridge after lunch, where no burning had taken place in recent years. Hymenoptera very scarce. Rev. K.M. Dunlop also with us!

Transcription Notes: