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28.9.51, cont.  Grand Canal, Landenstown, Co. KD., cont.

Taken at 1 (edge of canal!): some off alder bushes! 
[35 mtd. from 1 & these labelled 13.1.1954.]

Cryptinids 23, mostly Hemiteles spp.: 6 only mounted =
Hemiteles sp. ♀︎, ant. 20. 
Atractodes sp. 2♀︎♀︎ ant. 20.
Pezomachus black sp. ♀︎, ant. 20. 
Pez. red sp. ♀︎, ant. 21.
Microcryptus graminicola ♀︎, ant. 30.
Homocidus biguttatus, small ♀︎, ant. 24. 
Promethes sulcator ♀︎, ant. 24.
H. signatus ♂︎, ant. 22.
Stenomacrus palustris  ♀︎, ant. 24 & St. palustris?  ♂︎, ant. 25.
Mesochorus sp.  4♂︎♂︎:  1 only mtd. ant. 29.
Helictes sp.  4♂︎♂︎.
[[strikethrough]] Gen. et sp. near last. [[/strikethrough]]  1 small ♂︎ = Helictes sp.  ♂︎, ant. 26.
Opius caesus 19 - mostly ♀︎♀︎ & O. irregularis  2♀︎♀︎: none mtd.
Pentapleura pumilio  1♀︎ & P. angustula  2♀︎♀︎: none mtd.
Phaenocarpa luteipes Stelfox  ♂︎, ant. 24. topotype!
Ph. ruficeps, small ♀︎, ant. 24.
Aspilota (Synaldis) funiculicoinis  ♀︎, ant. 18.
Dacnusa areolaris, maculipes, laevipectus, pubescens & confinis } none mtd.
D. aphanta & D. cyclops 2. } none mtd.
D. elegantula 6.  D. diremta  1♀︎. } none mtd.
D. temula Hal.  a very nice ♀︎, ant. 25.
D. cf. lonicerae  ♂︎?, ant. 27.
D. sp. (? ovalis group)  ♂︎, ant. 32.
D. cf. areolaris, very small, dark, ♀︎, ant. 20.


28.9.51, cont.  Landenstown, KD., cont.

Taken at 1, cont.

Dacnusa (Gyrocampa) affinis  9: mostly ♀︎♀︎: none mtd.
D. (G.) nigriscaposa  2♂︎♂︎, ant. 25 & 26.
D. (G.) uliginosa  1 small ♀︎, ant. only 21.
D. (G.) siniffa  ♂︎, ant. 28.
Chaenusa conjungens  1♂︎, 1♀︎, ant. 24 & 21 respectively:  rather small exx.
Ephedrus validus  ♀︎, not mtd.
Eph. plagiator  1 large ♀︎, ant. 11.
Praon abjectum  1♂︎: not mtd.
Aphidius spp. 10:  2 small ♀︎♀︎ only mounted, which look very much alike & both have 13-seg. ant., but one has no trace of a transverse cubital vein & the other seems to have it, though somewhat teneral, the first runs to polygoni Marsh. & the latter to exiguus Hal.
Proctos  14: 4 only mtd. = 
Cynipids  2: not mtd.
Beetle  1 = 
Hemipteron 1, minute; = Orius laevigatus Fieber, ♂︎, fide H.S. Daltry, 1959 & A.M. Massee, 1964.  New to Ireland.

Taken at 2 (mainly off or around alders along parallel drain!)
[18 mounted from 2 & these labelled 17.1.1954.]

Cryptinids 10, including 2 all red Pezomachus ♀︎♀︎ & 1 Cratocryptus? ♂︎ with white face - ant. 26:  the latter only mounted = 
Homocidus biguttatus  ♂︎ & ♀︎, small, ant. 25 & 24.
H. pallipes  ♂︎, ant. 23.
Stenomacrus ventralis  2♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎, all brightly coloured!  None mtd.
Orthocentrus radialis  ♀︎, ant. 29, but stigma quite dark!
Mesoleius variegatus Jurine?  ♀︎, ant. 30.  [[image]] [[caption]] clypeus at apex [[/caption]]