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10th-12th Feb 1952. 

On afternoon of 10th rode, alone, on bike to Ballyboden & home via Firhouse, Balrothery & Templeogue.  On aft. of 11th, Daisy & I walked from Rathfarnham bus via Butterfield Avenue to Cosgraves, Firhouse & home from Charlesville Ho. by 49 bus.  Both 10th & 11th dry sunny days with E.-SE. breeze & some cloud over the hills. 

Almond trees now coming into flower & that in Kenilworth Park out on 10th.  Forsythia also in flower in many places, but ours not quite out.  Scottish Sax. opp. in flower on 11th.  Bumble Bee (B. lucorum) seen on 11th in marsh, corner of field near Cosgrave's at 3.30 P.M.  Another ♀︎ B. lucorum in front garden, 14 Clareville Rd., at 9.30 AM on 12th, which was very sunny after a cold dewy night. 

Blue Scilla (given me by Miss Odlum) & Primrose in front garden in flower on 12th & 11th respectively. Flowering Currant in back garden with 1st flower open on 10th & second on 12th.  Frog Spawn in pond on rt. bank of Dodder below Firhouse nearly ready to hatch on 11th & must be laid considerable time - no frogs seen near it!  Vegetation in pool consists mainly of Glyceria, Lemna (? minor), Watercress & Callitriche sp. 

Two ♀︎ Bombus (1 certainly lucorum, 1 ? terrestris) seen in back garden at 2.15 P.M. on 12th.  Flock of Twites seen in flooded field in Butterfield Avenue, Rathfarnham, at 3 P.M. on 11th & 12th.


13th March 1952. 

Told by J.P. Brunker at 5 P.M. that he had just heard two Chiffchaffs above Dartry on the Dodder.  A dull day with rain or drizzle from SE. all day.

14th, 15th March. 

Dry with cold & stormy E. wind, mainly dull on 14th, but mainly sunny on 15th.  On both afternoons saw & heard the Chiffchaffs by the Dodder above Dartry Dye Works.  Bumble Bee in back garden at 2 P.M.  Probably B. lucorum! 

16th to 31st March. 

Mild at first & some lovely sunny days, but 20th to 31st very cold strong E-NE winds to gales & with skiffs of snow all day on 28th, but nothing like the bad gales, cold & snow which England experienced.  On 24th, brought car home Fitzgeralds.  On 26th took first drive of season & after calling for eggs at Templeogue drove on to Judy's Pinch - half way up Slade of Saggart, - where left car & walked up lane to col on Mt. Saskin road & back i.e. from about 600 ft. up to over 1100 on col.  Very cold NE. wind, but some sun.  Car going as well as ever!  Saw large flock of Fieldfares & several of Golden Plover. 

At 4 AM. on 31st very heavy hail shower followed by snow & garden at 8 AM. with an inch of icy snow, but all gone by 10 AM & subsequently a very nice cold day & nearly all sunny in afternoon when I walked (alone) to Orwell Bridge, down Dodder to Dartry & up again to Rathfarnham Bridge & home.  Saw & heard Chiffchaffs below weir below Orwell Bridge,  where also saw ♀︎ bee Halictus rubicundus on Daisy & Dandelion.

Also saw a ♀︎ Bomus terrestris by Dodder at Dodder road & dead ♀︎ Vespa vulgaris on footpath in Clareville Rd.