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1st July 1951 (Sunday). 

A fine day, with some misty rain in afternoon & light rain later.  Wind SW & rather strong.  

Spent forenoon along shore of L. Tay at Lawers, where a very interesting flora.  Found a sedge on shore very like Carex Distans = C. xanthocarpa!  In swampy ground above shore belt of scrub a very beautiful show of orchids -  Hab. conopsea, Hab. chlorantha, O. ericetorum & one of the O. purpurella group, with hybrids between last two.  Also a very pretty Orchis with spotted leaves & small brightly coloured & marked flowers which has labellum equally 3-dentate like this [[image]] the mid lobe often being much longer than the lateral.  The small size of the flowers at first suggesting a cross between conopsea & ericetorum but this is impossible.  Later.  It is the local form of O. fuchsii!  AWS.  That it is a form of O. fuchsii I dont believe, but what else it could be I don't know.

In afternoon all walked up by the Lawers Burn to visit the springs coming out of moraine on right bank at about 1200 ft.  These changed greatly since 1947 & Carex cappillaris no longer to be seen & only one plant of Juncus trigulumis seen, but Eriophorum latifolium as common as before.  On path above left bank of the Burn Williams found Sagina saginoides 


[[strikethrough]] 1st [[/strikethrough]]  2nd July 1951.  Monday.
- Repeated by mistake on next page!

Spent day in SW. corrie of Ben Lawers as damp mist & strong W. wind all day - not pleasant.  Walked W. from hotel along road & then cut across moor to Carrie Burn & up into corrie.  Worked up corrie to top where on cliff near large snow-patch saw much Myosotis alpestris in flower & about a dozen Erigeron alpinum;  Carex atrata, Salix reticulata, & all the commoner alpines.  Next crossed (eastwards) upper corrie immediately S. of & beneath summit & got amongst the crags & snow patches, where Sax. oppositifolia still in flower, & worked up to topmost crags, over ridge, & then SE. down slope & so home to hotel.  Near top of gully came on a few clumps of [[strikethrough]] Sagina [[/strikethrough]] Arenaria rubella (not yet in flower) & several nice patches of Sax. cernua bearing bulbits & after crossing ridge found one patch of S. cernua in hollow near where seen in 1947.  On this day only myself, Daisy & young Len. Williams formed the party.

Took 3 beetles:
Notiophilus sp.
Elaphrus sp.
Oteorrhyncus maurus?