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7th July 1951. 

After another wet night a fine morning, then drizzle & rain till 1.30 PM, then fine afternoon.  

Daisy & I alone walked up the Lawers Burn & on to cliffs on S. side of Meal Garbh [[Meall Garbh]] where had lunch about 1.15 under overhanging rock.  After lunch went on & worked cliffs at S.E. corner & S. side of AN STUIC where very rich flora, then came down cliffs W. of Lochan-a-Cat [[Lochan nan Cat]], crossed inlet about 50 feet above Lochan & so home over shoulder of eastern ridge of Ben Lawers.  

On way up Lawers Burn in morning found large colony of very tall robust form of Juncus triglumis on wet slope below spring on right bank of Lawers Burn about 50-100 yards below the place where old track crosses the burn on foot-bridge, with much Tofieldia [[strikethrough]] Juncus triglumis [[/strikethrough]], &c. 

On cliffs or rather scarps on S. side of Meal Garbh [[Meall Garbh]] saw [[?Erigeron]] alpinum & Veronica saxatilis;  & on cliffs on SE. & S. side on An Stuic saw Adoxa, Draba, Arabis, Saxifraga nivalis, Saussurea, Erigeron alpinum, Pot. crantzii, Veronica saxatilis, Poa glauca?, Poa balfouri? believed seen in inaccessible ledge, Carex capillaris, C. atrata, C. sp.? with yellow green leaves & pale spikes just about to flower = C. pallescens AWS. (brought home to grow), Woodsia alpina (3 or 4 plants), Botrychium lunaria, Sagina sp. & lots of common Lawers plants.

[[left margin]] Bombus lapponicus ☿ (very small!) seen on Vacc. Vitis-Idaea at ca. 2,000 at 12 noon. [[/left margin]]


8th July 1951 

A showery day, with heavy rain for two hours about midday.  Took things easy, wrote up diary & set a few insects in forenoon.  In afternoon strolled down lane to pier & E. across mouth of Lawers Burn & back.  Picked up about a dozen Ichs on Cow parsnip with sucker & missed others:  too wet to collect otherwise.  Saw no new plants!  Looked for Lemanea on stones in loch but saw no trace of any or other forms of life - plant or animal! 

Ichs taken in lane are: - 
Stylocrtptus profligator  3♀︎♀︎, ant. all 23, & Stylocryptus varipes  1♀︎, ant. 22;  the 13♂︎♂︎ all appear to be referable to profligator, ant. 24 (1), 25 (6), 26 (5), & 27 (1).

Saw 3♀︎♀︎ Bombus hortorum & 1♀︎ Vespa sylvestris at flowers of Foxglove;  also several Bombus lucorum (♀︎ & ☿☿);  and many Tenthredo cf. arcuata. 
Scorpion Fly  ♀︎ = 
Also 2 small Chalcids = 

9th July 1951.

A very fine day, with only one skiff of rain about 3.30 P.M. but jam formed in evening & heavy rain at night.  Left hotel about 9.45 & walked via Lawers Burn to outlet of Lochan-a-Cat, alt. ca. 2,350 ft., where had lunch at 12.30 noon (Daisy, I, H.E. & Aywin Green & Mr. Kettle).  After lunch party separated, Daisy & I going up S. side