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13.7.51, cont.  Lochan-na-Lairige district continued.

On way up the Allt a' Mhoirneas in morning saw Gnaphalium sylvaticum on slope above road & in marsh a little higher up lots of Eriophorum latifolium.  Populus tremula frequent in gorge below the big fall & above this & on left bank (only visible from right bank?)  Many clumps of Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi (never seen in this district according to Miss Knox who is now staying at the hotel - but known to Miss Campbell!):  here it grows on rocky shelves & hangs down like a curtain in dense masses in some cases for several feet.  It bore small green berries O-size & was preparing in some cases to flower again.  Salix caprea (some huge trees!), S. cinerea, S. aurita & S. repens also grow in the gorge & there is at least one huge upright clump of Juniperus [[strikethrough]] - gone 1952!  See p.149 -> [[/strikethrough]] communis near, but a few yards higher up stream, the Arctostaphylos above the fall.  On return journey at 5 P.M. down left bank saw a very large ♀︎ Bombus muscorum & by craning my neck in one place I was just able to see on of the clumps of Arctostaphylos because I knew where to look for it.


14th July 1951.

A very fine day with gentle westerly breeze & sun & light clouds over Ben Lawers.  Took 9.35 bus to Carric & walked up next burn to east for some distance & then cut across to the Carric Burn & along its left bank into the SW Corrie of Ben Lawers.

Followed the stream at base of the Corrie to look for a green ♀︎ Salix of which A.M. Gwynne [[strikethrough]] found [[/strikethrough]] brought me a twig on 4.7.51.  Found only the one small bush of this undoubted Salix nigricans (Prof. Clapham agreed!) & near it several small bushes of Salix lapponum (Clapham agreed!) [[strikethrough]] near it [[/strikethrough]] of which specimens from two brought away.  Next we ascended one of the principal rills in the lower corrie as far as the sheep-path & there had lunch at 1 P.M.  On way up found very nice plants including a big patch of Sedum villosum on left side of the rill (discovered by Daisy!) growing on rather drier ground than I would have expected;  & with it a tiny form of Montia fontana only about 1/2 inch in height;  on a wet rock surface in rill saw some tiny plants of Juncus triglumis & on going to inspect these found some equally small plants of Juncus biglumis mixed with it, as well as a couple of freakish triglumis with huge bract towering above the whitish flowers.  Webb & Clapham later agreed with me that these were merely freaks & not hybrids with biglumis as at first they looked like.

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