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20.8.52, cont.  "Kiltalown Glen", Co. DU., cont.

Roga sp. ♂; not mtd. Apanteles falcatus ♀; not mtd.
Biosteres procerus ♂: not mtd. Pentapleura pumilio ♂: not mtd
Aspilota ruficornis ♀: not mtd. Dacnusa elegantula ♂; ant. 32,
D. senilis? ♀, ant. 32, slender & long. D. diremta ♂ : not mtd. 
D. areolaris, laevipectus, maculipes & confinis (♂) 7, none mtd.
D. (G.) affinis ♂ & ♀.  D (G.) ulijarnosa ♂ none mtd.
Chaenusa conjungens ♂. Aphidius 2. None mtd.
Proctos 16. None mtd.
Chalcid 1. None mtd.
Dipteron = Sargus flavipes ♂.
Saw 2 Red adminals & 1 Painted Lady.

24th August 1952. Mainly dull, warm, "soft", with slight westerly breeze - like 2 previous days. Sunday.

In afternoon drove to Deey Lock in Royal Canal, KD., to get crab apples - as very abundant crop there - & while there swept a little along edge of canal & ledge between the lock & Mr. Mitchell's plantation.

Saw many Wall Butterflies, & also Common Blue, Bombas ylvarum ☿ & many faded ♂♂ of Bombas & Psithyrus spp. Also swept the following:-

24.8.52, cont.  Royal Canal. KD., cont.

1 Sawfly = Cladius difformis ♀.
Phaeogenids 3 (1♂, 2♀♀) = Dicaelotus: not mtd.
Cf. Aethecerus longulus ♂, ant. 26: seems to agree with description.
Colpognathus celerator ♀ ? : ant. 27.
Stilpnus gagates, dark ♀, ant. 17, with "spiral segmentation" of tergite 2!!!
Acrodactylus degener ♀, not mtd. Polyzphinata (z.) varipes [[strikethrough]] [[illegible one letter or number]] [[/strikethrough]] ♂, ant. 23.
Homocidus pallipes? ♂: not mtd. Enochus tibialis ♀, ant. 26.
Enochus prosopius ♀, ant. 35.
Bracon ♂&♀ = B. rugizonatus ♀, ant. 31; also a ♂, small, ant. 28, probably some species
Sigalphis caudialus ♀: not mtd. Blacus sp. ♂: not mtd.
Algsia manducator 3♂♂ at oak in ledge: one mtd. is very small: ant. 33
Aspilota ♂, ♀ = . A. cf. tibialis ♀, ant. 18; ♂ ant. 22: very nice specimens
Dacnusa elegantula ♀ with reddish abd.: ant. 25, 
D. macnlipes ♂: not mtd. D(Gyrocampa) ulignose ♂, [[to?]] canal: not mtd.
Aphidius spp 2: not md.
Proctos. abundant on Glyceria [[to?]] canal (21 [[in rucker!?]]! none mtd.

Chalcids 2: not mtd.
Crpipids 2: not mtd.
Beetles 2 = Lima septemprionis &.
Hemapleron 1 =

Transcription Notes:
Reopened 26 Jan 2021 for further work. Reopened 28 Jan 2021 for further work. ♂♀☿ Corrections: Saw 2 Red Admirals