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30.8.52, cont.  Woodend, Co. WI., cont.

Taken at 2. (5.0 till 5.40 P.M.) [4 labelled Feb. 1955, the remaining 42 labelled on 2.4.1961.]
Cryptinid. 15:none mtd.
Barichnemmon locutor Thumb. (= albicinctus)♀.ant.26.
Acrodactyla degener ♀: not mtd.
Alencter ruficroni (= rectator) ♂ Cleniscus sp. ant. 28
Polyblasius black femora ♀, ant. 29. Stenomacrus
Pergonids, 4 ♂♂: not mtd.
Colastes braconius ♀: not mtd.  Clinocentrus vestajator ♂, ant. 25.
Rogas cf circum[[niftus?]] ♀, ant. 28; pallid stigma; v. conventergite!
R. tristis, large ♀, ant. 45; legs rather darker than usual!
Signlphus candalius ♀ Perilitus cf gracilipes. ♂, ant. 17.
Meteorus micropterus ♀, ant. 23. m. fragilis ♀, ant. 31.
M. sp ♂: not mtd. Blacus rufricornis ♂♀: not mtd.
Ademon decrescem[[us?]] 3 (no doubt on Waterecress, which is plentiful!) not mtd.
Opius irregularis 12 (♂ + ♀): none mtd. O. stenops. 2♂♂, ant. 23+22.
O. 8 others = O. exilis 2 ♀♀, ant. 24+25. O. cf. communis 1 ♂, 2♀♀, ant. 23, 23, 24.
O. paganus miki: ♀, ant. 20: very nice specimen.
Pentapleura pumilio ♂: not mtd.
Arpilota 9. = A. praecipua small ♀, ant. 25.
A. cf. fuscous 2 ♀♀, ant. 18 (both). A. near excarata ♀, ant. 19.
A. semirufa 2 ♂♂, antibollis A. near planifors? ♂, ant. 23.
A. sp.? ♀, ant. 16. A. sp near maura?, ♂, ant. 21

[[right-hand page]]

30 8 52, cont.   Woodend, Co., WI., cont.
Taken at 2. cont.
Dacnusa areolaris group (pubescens, confimi, laempectis!)22
D. aphanta 4. D. melanocra 1. None of above mounted!
D. tesmia ♂, ant. 32. D. eros ♂, ant. 36.
D. (Gyrorampa) affini, 3 (♂+♀): none mtd.
D (G.) religionsa [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[strikethrough]] 17! 3 ♂♂ (ant. all 26), & 3 ♀♀ (ant. 23+24) mounted.
Choribidea lymphata ♀, ant. 20+21: similar to major [[nenstigma?]]!
Chaenosa conjungens very abundant along edge of stream; mostly small, but a few larger: 46 (♂+♀) in [[racher?]]: 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀ mtd.
Tonares deltyin ♂ ant. 21. monoctonis carici ♀, not mtd.
Aphidius spp. 9. none mtd.
Proctor 14 none mtd.
Chalcids 7. none mtd.

31st August 1952. After a stormy, dry night + [[turn]] into drizzle at 10 AM, a fine sunny day
: warm, but strong SW wind.
In afternoon (Sunday) George, Daisy, + I dove to Decy Lock on Royal Canal to cut ivy off our favourite crab apple tree in Mr. Mitchell's hedge between lock + his plantation; then swept in plantation for an hour + a half 13.0 till 4.30 P.M but very windy.

Transcription Notes:
Reopened 26 Jan 2021 for further work. ♂♀☿