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26.9.52, cont. Phoenix Park, DU., cont.
Dacnusa laevipectus ♀♀ abundant, a few ♂♂, D. pubescens 1♂ 2♀♀)
D. Longiradialis 3 (♂ & ♀). D. aphanta 2. D. elongatula 5. & 3 others = D. uma 1 ?♀), ant 34, small example. 
D. cf. asramenes ♀, ant. 34. D. (C.) abdita Hal.♀, ant. 35
Praeon volucre? ant. black at base! Aphidius cf. ♀. none mounted.
Proctus abundant: 24 in sucker. none mounted.
Chalcids 9 none mounted.
Cynipids 3. none mounted.

27th Sept. 1952. Saturday. A fine cold day, with some showers + much hot sun. In afternoon drove to Brittan Ponds where left car + walked up to N. end of Lynch Park + back.  Collected by sweeping, chiefly off ash, along roadside (=1) + in turnip stubble field at ca. 1000 feet. (as on 3.9.'52) (=2). 
Lynch Park, Co. DU.
Taken at 1 (roadside)
Cryptinids 10, Hermiteles, Pexomachus, Phygadenon, +? 4 mtd. =
Hemitcles of parilies group ♀, ant. 22.
Pezomachus spp. 2 ♂♂ (ant. both 20), 1 ♀ (ant. 19).
Pimpla elagans ♂, ant. 24. Homocidus pallipes ♂ not mtd.


27-9-52, cont.  Lynch Park, Du., cont.
Taken at 1, cont.
Polyblanters? black sp. = ♂ + ♀, protuberant [[sctellur?]], ant. 24+25
P. red sp. ♂, ant. 27.
Stenomarus Carici [[?]] ♀♀, 1 mtd. ant x st. cf. deletris 1 ♂ pale  [[regrius?]] minute ant. broken
St. nigrifrons sp 17. ♂, ant. 23; face + mesoplucia black, clypens + prosternum yellow - Type ♂ sf apri[[cas]] cf ventralis group! ANS. 11.10.1952
St. cf. cubiceps ♂, ant. 26
St. flaviconis sp. [[?]] 22 ♂♂ (3 mtd.), 1 ♀ Sp. [[?]] but wont fit confinis + trinitis! Barb stigma, very curved radius Front + mid conae of ♂ yellow + white of ♀ testaceous; ant. ♂ 21-22, of ♀ 21. This is sp. formerly placed as a smla, by me under vafer Holmyp, which it cannot be ♂ ntected as type! AWS. 11.10.52.
Carmpoplepid ♀ + Anilanta tricinicla ant.30. ♀
Aporiloptis ♀: not mtd. Holictes 3♂♂: not mtd.
Mesochorus ♂: not mtd. Roes cf. circumvecsriptus ♂, ant. 39.
Rogas nicricornis ♀, ant. :45. Apanteles fulvipes group 2. ♀♀ not mtd.
Meteorus filator ♂: not mtd. Blacus ambulans ♀: ant. 20.
Blacus humilis group ♀, ant. 17, Diosphilus morous? ♂: not mtd.
Opius tacitus? ♀, small, ant.  24.
Aspilota 6 (1 ♂ 5 ♀♀): none mtd.
 (& none of the following mounted!)
Dacnusa striatula ♂. D. areolaris 1 ♂. D larsipectus 1 ♂, 1 ♀.
D. elegantula 31 D. cyclops 4. D. (G.) affinis 2 ♀♀.
Proctos 7.
Chalcids 4
Cynipid 1
Dipteron Mycophilid? Yellow& orange : clouded wings

[[written sideways]]

Bombysa rubi - 
Fox Moth caterpillar coll. on roadside with apanteles (s) cocoons on its [[hair??]] + others emerged + spun up on two following days.
Caterpillar still active on 2nd oct + had passed 3 pellets. 
The Apanteles hatched early in June 1953, but died before this discovered. The cocoon were loos + of pinkish-gold in color, like those of strateria parasite from Athy, KD.