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27.9.52, cont. - Lynch Park, DU., cont.
Taken at 2. (Edge of turnip field, stubble, &c)
Hemriteles cf aperlius 2  not mtd. H. sp. ♀, ant. 19.
Pezomachus fascinatus ♀, not mtd [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] Pincstabulis? ♀, ant. 20.
Promeheus rubcator not mtd. Stenonacrus curvicaudalius , ant. 25.
Stenomacrus flaviconis miki +♀(? same species as 22 taken at 1): ant. 21 & 20
Capopligid ♀: not mtd.
Dacnusa pubescens  4 ♀♀: not mtd.
Chalcids 2: not mtd.

29th Spet. 1952. A bright cold day with NE. wind, some showers short, but very warm sun bursts.  Am about to lay the car up for winter, drove in afternoon to gate of Kippure House, Athdorn, in upper Libbey Valley, Co. 1,000 ft. where we had not been this season. Left car at bridge I waled back toward Kilbride camp for a mile up the Military Road. id a little sweeping along side of road in way up before light house + in scrub (bivet, Salis, alder +c? between road on return, but did not seriously collect. Took one large longtailed Ick on stump of beech by road where Stranglia Enadrifasciata, +? taken on 


29.9. 52, cont. Athdown, Co. WI.
Epitomus pygmalius ♀.  Phaeogenid ♀ = proncus ruspican ♀, ant. 20.
Hemiteles? spp. 4, small ♀♀ of 4 spp. 
Livonotid, large black ♀ on stump = L rulphuripria - long slender antennae! ? ♀, ant. 38.
Stenomacrus ventralis 4 , 10 ♀♀, not mtd. St. Caricus ♀, ant. 26.
St. cf. concinnus, ant. 26. St. flaviconis miki 2 ♀♀, ant. 20, 21, 22.
St. sp. near flavicornis but smaller + with blackhind legs, +? ant. 19.
Orthocentrus protriberans ♀: not mtd. O. sp. near aspen , ant. 26.
Ctenscid 1 ant. 27 =
Abryrtres luterus ♀, ant. 43. Eusterinx sp. ant. 19 ?
Apanteles bunch of coccons in fences on side of road from Saint brood had emerged, but hypenparisite em. on following days = Hermiteles
Campiplegrids , ant. 26, near Nepiesta,? black legs
Cynodusa leucocura , ant. 37.
Celantes braconius. small ♀, ant. 25. C. larriolator ♀. ant. 34. 
Blacus rufricornis ♀: not mtd.
Paenocarpa lisida ♀, small ant. 27.
Aspilota cf. turmida? small , ant. 17  2 trans cubitus v. short: prop. rather smooth. p. nisp. A. (Synalids) sp.
Dacnusa Caesipecturs C= all ♀♀.
Proctos. 16
Cynipids 4
Siperon Synplid, large head=
Bombus lucorum 6 ♀♀ seen in one clump of heather on hillside
Bombus muscorum 1 lovely fresh  in heather (E. carcre) with East.
B. agroscum 1 seen on roadside.