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3rd Jan. 1953. Very mild, snow showers in morning, but mainly sunny later, much colder than recently; glass fallen heavily but not very low. On this day the steamer Princess Victoria foundered on journey from Straurear to Larne which the old boats would never have done.

1st Feb. George home for week-end with car, so in forenoon he drove us to the Brittas Ponds & we walked up to the col S. of Sliese Thoule in brilliant sunshine & back to the car. The five Whooper Swans seen on the lower pond as reported frequently lately by Brunker & others.  Cold, with NW breeze, but brilliant sun all day.

2nd Feb. Still cold, but wind now NE. Mainly sunny. Snowden Sax. oppositifolia in W. border back garden with several flowers, but badly torn up by cat during previous night. Daphne blaggiano with a full flower open. Many yellow Crocuses in front garden now in flower & Purple Crocuses with buds showing.

10th Feb. 1953. Heavy fall in glass during night of 9th 10th Feb & rain & snow fall heavily but the snow did not lie in Dublin. In afternoon walked to Orwell Bridge, alone, & down Dodder to Dartry & so home. Saw Brunker's early Coltsfoot in flower on left bank of Dodder 40 yards below Orwell Bridge. The Forsythia in Dartry 


Road, near old tram terminus, which had a few flowers on it a fortnight ago, now with a good sprinkling of flowers. This bush a few years ago produced a few flowers on one branch before Xmas - I think in Nov. but query exact date.

Mediterranean Heath in back garden - the  usual early bush - with a few flowers open several days ago! Many signs of growth in garden & several Flowering Currant bushes almost in flower in Rathgar.

14th Feb. 1953. A very wet day as mild W. air clashed with the cold over Britain.

15th - 18th. Very mild, dull & drizzly at times. On 16th Miss Odlum's blue Scilla out at Westropp's in St. James's Terrace, Clonskeagh, & the plant she gave me some years ago with first flower open on 17th.

Chionodoxa with several flowers ready to open on 18th, but no sun. Benesenaph Sax. opp. in back garden in flower as well as the small flowered form from Snowdon on 15th. & signs of spring in all the gardens in district.

18th. Frog seen flattened on road N. of Witlington Ho.

20th . Chionodoxa in front garden & Almonds in Kenilworth Park & at Rosary Church with some flowers out.

21st  Large flowered Snowdon Sax. oppositifolia in front garden in flower as well as 3 Purple Crocuses. Owing to continued mild weather I was forced to start feeding the snails in motor house today.

Aphids with young appeared on some Scottish plants in pots in garden!