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Mnium stellare (fide miss Thomson) by path below upper dam.  Glenasmole Co. DU 24.3.53.

21st-24th March 1953. 

Still calm & dry, with almost frosty nights & a lot of sea mist, mixed with hot sun.

On 24th took 1.35 bus to Bohernabreena & walked up Glenasmole to upper dam & back to catch 5.25 bus home. 
CHIFF-CHAFFS heard by Daisy in many places but my ears now incapable of hearing them unless close, but I heard them in two places.  We had hoped to hear them by the Dodder on 21st but a cold sea mist may have spoiled our chance on that day.

On 24th in Glenasmole we saw & heard a lot of Bumble Bees, but only B. lucorum & jonellus identified for certain, though agrorum probably seen by Daisy.  *Andrina gwynana ♂︎♂︎ frequent by roadside where road washed away in 1931. 
Andrina clarkella ♀︎ & many Nomada leucophthalma seen on sandy cliff in woods below E. end of upper dam.  Anemone nemerosa in flower at usual place in wood 200 yards below caretakers house - now empty as Mr. Murphy left last Oct. & has not been replaced by a resident caretaker. 
Vespa rufa ♀︎ found sunning herself below upper dam.  Coll. a few mosses for Miss Thomson, see above!

* One Psithyrus distinctius ♀︎ also seen, "searching" & beautifully fresh.


25th March 53.  

A perfect day, after early morning mist, but glass falling the last months continuous anticyclone look like coming to an end.  Very hot sun all day & faint S.W. breeze in afternoon.  Had car out for first time this year & after collecting eggs at Hillcrest, Templeogue, drove on to Judy's Pinch in Slade of Saggart, where left car & walked E. up lane towards Mount Seskin & back across country to car "as the crow flies"!  Saw nothing to report, except signs of coming change in the weather.  NB. Rain fell on night of 25th 26th & much colder!

27th March 1953. 

A fine bright day with strong S.W. breeze & falling glass.  In afternoon drove to Kippure House gate, Athdown, Co, WI., & spent 1/2 hour looking for galled twigs on birch trees, but found only there doubtful galls of Lampronia which brought home.  Near Brittan saw a Wheatear by bridge at Co. DU-WI boundary.  Collected some mosses & hepatica - one of which - Marsupella marginata - was rich in fruit - for Miss Thomson in Athdown Brook & R. Liffey, & on rocks & trees nearby.  Ranunculus lenormandi in flower, as usual, in swamp near R. Liffey. 

[[image]] Ulota crispa - hairy calmptera! fide Miss Thomason.

First red Mossy Saxifrage by path to gate in front-garden out.  Rain & strong wind during night of 27th-28th.