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23rd April 1953. A most perfect summer's day! All sunny & very soft & warm, with scarcely a breath of wind from SE. 

24th April. Mainly cloudy & much colder than last two days & wind W-NW. light. In afternoon drove to lane above Jobstown, Co. DU & walked up lane almost to Tumoling & then cut across fields & past two deserted hill farms on to ridge of Knocknarea & back to Tumoling & car.

In evening, 7 P.M. (S.T.) while getting coal found a ♀ Bombus pratorum investigating coal-heap in coal-house & watched her for several minutes. She eventually flew out into the garden.

25th April. Mainly dull & chilly with NW-N. wind in early part & E. later. A few gleams of sun, but depression approaching from the west. In afternoon George, home for week-end, drove us to Greystones, to call on Mrs. Palmer & while Daisy chatted to her, he & I walked along the coast toward Bray Head, where the old railway line - abandoned about 1910 is now breached by the sea in several places.

On return home at 5:30 P.M. saw a ☿ (worker!) of Bombus jonellus at catkins of Salix nigricans ♀ in back garden!


26th April 1953. Rain started about 6 AM. & continued until 10 AM. causing sudden growth in many plants in garden in spite of fact that temperature was low. Sun came out about 11.30 AM but glass still falling. Both plants of Euphorbia hiberna in front garden in flower, though not even showing signs of flowering [[strikethrough]] three days [[/strikethrough]] a week ago! (See p. 60!)

In afternoon George drove us to the top of Friarstown glen above Bohernabreena R.C. Chapel & we walked up the road to Piperstown & on up towards the Feather Bed road for about a mile & to about 1,150 ft. Collected a few mosses from rocks (& bank) of small stream draining the site of tarn S. of Piperstown & saw much Callitriche in the stream & clumps of Montia in flower on face of rock over which stream flows when full. Much Orchis morio & Cowslips in flower in pastures N. of road between 800 & 900 feet, & Cardamine pratensis & Broom in flower by roadside.

27th April. Rain commenced about 6 A.M. with E-S.E. wind & continued for nearly 24 hours followed by bright period & showers on 28th, but weather remained cold except during sun bursts & out of wind, which backed during 28th from NE. to NW. during the day. Glass low (29.2) all day & eased after 2 days fall.

Transcription Notes:
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