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13th May 1953. Dull, cold, SE wind, & drizzle from 12 noon onwards sometimes heavy. The first rain we have had since last week in April & will do much good. Growth in garden visible! although temperature low. 

14th May. Also mainly wet, after a wet night

15th May. Much milder, but very windy - first S.E., later SW-W. No rain but a few spots blowing in the wind nearly all afternoon & evening. Glass low & steady for several days! Caught a [[male]] Hemiteles? sp., ant. 28, on kitchen window at 2 P.M. - possibly out of cones or sticks brought home to light fires - look very fresh! 

In forenoon went to Merrion Square to pick up a [[female]] Macrocentrus bred by E.S.A. Baynes from bored Salix twigs found by him near Glengarriff, W. Cork, in April, & which he believes contain larvae or pupae of Sesia formiciformis, which emerged on 13th. He had previously given me a [[female]] bred on 10th from same source. These both belong to the species taken by me at Old Head, W. Mayo, on 28.5.42 & named squamularis n.sp. I am now strongly inclined to think these are the true M. Marginator [[?]], while Marshall's "Marginator", so common in August, may be nidulator [[?]]. 
[Eady & Clerk, 1964: agree with the opinion!!! AWS.9.11.1965.]


16th & 17th May 1953. Very windy (SW) with heavy showers
18th Wind E, chilly & strong on coast, with sea fog after 12 noon, but mainly sunny otherwise & a nice day with depression approaching from SW.

Went by bus, alone, to Dollymount & spent from 11 till 4.30 on the North Bull. Swept in two areas as follows:-

1 = Salt-marsh inside golf links from 11 AM. till 1 p.M. & again between 3.30 & 4.30. 
2 = Sandhills outside golf links 
& beyond St. Anne's Golf Club around the alder flat & Lady Anne's Bank.

Very few insects out in morning & much fewer in afternoon although conditions seemed better. 

N. Bull, Co. DU.

Taken at 1.