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21.5.53, cont.  Manor Kilbride, Co. WI., cont. 

Swept in two areas as follows:-
1 = northern 3/4 of the triangle - mainly off & under birch trees, but also about 6-8 specimens swept around birch E. of triangle & above road.
2 = southern edge of triangle, in old quarry & along road at base of the triangle.

Manor Kilbride, WI.

Taken at 1.

Sawflies: Arge ustulata ♂. Pachynematus obductus? ♀ & one other ♀ Nematine = Dineura testaceipes, ♀.
Phaeogenes fulsitarsis 2♀♀. Epitomus pygmaeus ♀.
Dicaelotus sp. ♀, reddish abd.: not mtd.
Cryptinids 12, mostly ♂ Hemiteles of various species; also Pegomachus rufulus? ♀, Leptocryptus ♂.
Only 2 mounted = Hemiteles cf. politus Bridg. ♀, ant. 22. & Hemiteles sp. small ♀, ant. 21.
Glypta pictipes Tasch. ♀, ant. 35.
Perilissus filicornis ? 3♂♂ - not mtd. P. pallidus ♂, ant. 40, black! this would run to P. albitarsis Thom. because of short hind spurs & pale front tarsi! AWS.
Promethes cognatus ♂ - not mtd. Enochus longicornis, ♀, ant. 32. [sensu J.F.P. AWS.]
Orthocentrus protuberans?, ant. 30. - keels on tergite 1. Stenomacrus ventralis 1♂, 3♀♀.
Stenomacrus (Neurateles) near britteni but no hairs laterally on abd. tergites! ♀ ant. 22 ? sp. of. glabiventris. m. type. AWS. 5.Nov.1965. cf. laevissimus m., but face not punctured. 
Phrudus defectus ♂, ant.18. (= exareolatus nobis olim.). 
Eustenyx divulgata, small ♂, ant. 18.

21.5.53,cont.   Manor Kilbride, WI, cont.   
Campplegids : only [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 1 ♂ (angitea?): not mtd 
Plectiscus sp. 1 ♂, 2♀♀ : none mtd. Aperiliphius obliquis Th. ♂, ant. 22.
Helictes pilicornis ♂, ant. 30. H. sp. ♂ not mtd.
Colastes braconius 1 ♀:not mtd. Rogas cercumserafties ? 2 pale ♂♂. not mtd.
Apanteles pallipes ♀. not mtd. Microplitis mediator 2♂♂
Euphorus pallipes 5♂♂, none mtd. E. fulripes {1♂,1♀, ant. both 16 ♂ probably = parrulus Puthe!
 E. thomsoni m. (?♀), ant. 16.
Microetonus cf. cultus ♂, ant. 23.
Blacus trivialis ♀, ant. 17.
Leiophron edentatus, 4♀♀ of which that mtd. on it, face has only a trace of the notanli.
Alloea conctracta ♂? or large braches ptersues ♀? : not mtd.
Phaenocarpa ruficips, small dark ♂,  large dark ♀: not mtd. 
Aspilota (Panerema) inops ? large ♂: ant. 30
A. tumida, ant. 20: large ♂, black venation.
A. vernalia ♀, ant. 25. & 13 others (6♀, 7♂): of which only 7 mtd. = 
A. cf. minutirsuma? 2♀♀, ant. 17&18.
A. cf. fuscicornio? 3♀♀, ant. 16,16,17 
A. cynipidis ♀, ant. 18 & a small ♂, ant. 24, possibly this specie.
Orthostyima sp. ♀: not mtd.
Daenura pubescinius 2♂♂,: ♀ — the only Rhizarchid! not mtd.
D. aphanlia ♂: not mtd.
D. eros, ant. 41: large ♂.
Aenone hians, ant. 34: smooth apex bald: taken above road!
Aphidius 1 ♂: Monoctinus 2♂♂: Triones 1♂: none mtd.

Transcription Notes:
♂♀☿ Underlines.