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25.5.53.cont.  Landenstown, KD, cont. 

Taken at 1, cont.    

Euphorus pallipes  2♂︎♂︎ not mtd. 
Opius lugens ♂︎, ant. 21,     
O. exilis?  ♂︎, ant. 26, 
Alloea contracta  ♂︎: not mtd. 
Aspilota spp.  4♂︎♂︎: none mtd.
Dacnusa evadne  ♀︎, ant. 30, (probably listed as bellina below! AWS.)
Dacnusa pubescens  4♂︎♂︎: not mtd. 
D. laevipectus?, 1♂︎ not mtd. 
D. postica  ♀︎ ant broken! 
D. gilvipes  1♀︎, ant. 28. 
D. bellina  ♀︎, not mtd. 
[[strikethrough]] None of these mtd. [[/strikethrough]] except postica.
[[strikethrough]] none of these mtd. [[/strikethrough]] except portica}
Proctos. 11: only 2 mtd. = Disogmus (areolator ??)  ♂︎ & Belyta depressa  ♂︎.
Chalcids 4: 1 mtd. = 
Sawflies  Tenthredo "temula" 2♂︎♂︎ not mtd.
Black ♀︎ = Empria baltica ♀︎
Cynipid 1: not mtd. 
Dipteron 1 = 

Taken at 2. 
[10 mtd. from 2 & these labelled 21.5.1965.]

Phygadenon  ♂︎: not mtd. 
Mesoleius cf. tibialis Hlgr.  ♂︎, ant. 35: 
Porizonid  ♂︎: not mtd. = Thersilochus sp.  ♀︎, ant. 22: 
Bracon fuscicoxis  ♂︎ & ♀︎ ant. 32 & 30, respectively.
Euphorus pallipes  ♂︎: not mtd.
E. sp.  1: not mtd.
Aspilota semirufa?  A minute ♂︎, with huge expanded head, 17-seg. ant., red tergites 1 & 2, Ant. segs 3 & 4 elongate & 4 if anything longer than 3, 2nd cubital & 2nd discoidal cells very small, & finally with a sort of pseudo-dimple.  Cf. ♀︎ taken at Landenstown on (2) 2.8.53!
Dacnusa pubescens (2), areolaris (1) & laevipectus (?) 1.
D. postica  ♀︎, ant. 30.
D. (G.) siniffa √  ♂︎, ant. 27.
Monoctonus caricis  ♂︎: not mtd.
Proctos.  4: 2 mtd. = Exallonyx confusus?  Minute ♀︎.
Spilomicrus basalyformis (= Sp.15 miki!) ♂︎.
Nematine Sawfly ♀︎ = Pachynematus clitellatus  ♀︎.


26th May '53. 

A warm day, but becoming dull in afternoon & rain later on approach of depression from N.W.  In afternoon drove to St. Columba's College gate & walked up N. face of Kilmashogue to about 800 ft. & back to car.  Wind W. strong.  

Saw many bee burrows on bare ground above the college, where sods had been cut near surface of granite rocks.

27th May '53.

After a wet night, very warm, dull, with drizzle all forenoon.  In morning went to see E.S.A. Baynes - British Trade Commissioner, Merrion Square - who gave me a beautiful Metopius dentatus bud 22 May 1953 from a larva of Bombyx quercus var. callunae sent him from Valentia Island, S. Kerry, by Mrs. – in spring of 1952.  When received this caterpillar - and another one - were very large & nearly full grown & pupated in June 1952, although other callunae larvae being fed up by Baynes were only about an inch & a quarter long & did not pupate till August, as usual.  He also gave me a ♀︎ Pimpla brevicornis recently received from Tory Island & sent by D.J. Sullivan.

In afternoon we drove to Manor Kilbride, Co. WI., as the day had cleared when strong W. wind got up about 2 P.M.

Everything very wet still in shelter & so could only sweep in windy places & so catch not as large as might have been.  During a sunburst at southern end