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11th June 1953. 

All sunny, very hot, but with fresh, cool, NE. wind along coast in forenoon & SE. & gentle in afternoon, but westerly in Dublin on our return at 6 P.M.

Left home, with R.L. Coe, at 10.20 AM. & drove to the old ry. station at Killoughter, on the Murrough, Co. Wicklow, where collected till 4 P.M., had cup of tea & left for home at 4.40.

Collected in three areas as follows: —
1. = Outside railway from Killoughter station to opposite head of The Broad Lough — mainly in sheltered flower-filled ditch beside railway & a very few insects swept on edge of sea — too windy, &c.
2 = Reed-beds, &c., at head of The Broad Lough
3 = Lane, &c., for 1/4 mile W. of Killoughter station.

Killoughter, Co. WI., 11.30 AM. till 1.0 P.M.

Taken at 1, outside railway & S. of station.

Ichneumon confusor  ♀︎, ant 34.
Hylaeus hyalinatus, ♂︎, small example!
Bethylus fuscicornis  ♀︎: not mtd.
Phaeogenid  ♂︎, ant. 27 = 
Cryptinids 14 (nearly all ♂︎♂︎ of Atractodes sp.? of which 1♂︎ & 1♀︎, ant. 24 & 21 respect. only mounted = 
Perilitus seminiger  ♂︎, ant. 48.
Porizonid  ♂︎:  possibly ♂︎ of Leptopygus harpurus, ant. 32.
Mesochorus  small black sp. ♀︎ = M. nigripes ♀︎, ant. 23.
Campoplegids  5
Bracon 5 = B. transaciculatus m.?:  ♀︎, ant. 28.
B. cf. anthracinus  ♂︎;  also ♀︎ but can't see palps;  ant. of both 18.
B. coriaceus m.  small ♀︎ & ♂︎, ant. 32 & 36 respectively;  ♂︎ has darkish legs!


11.6.53 (1), cont.  Killoughter, WI., cont.

Acoelius subfasciatus, a minute ♂︎ on edge of sea!
Perilitus niger miki:  2♂︎♂︎, ant. both 28:  possibly this is only a var. of aethiops!
Macrocentrus "n. sp. J.T. Lyle":  ♂︎, ant. 36.
Opius 7 = O. foveolatus m.  ♀︎, ant. 23.
O. levis  ♂︎, ant. 25;  another ♂︎, ant. 24;  & a very miserable ♂︎ probably this sp., ant. 23, also 2 more ♂︎♂︎, ant. 23 & 24.
O. lugens  ♂︎, ant. 21.
Aspilota concinna  2♂︎♂︎;  ant. 22 & 24, the latter a more robust example!
Dacnusa cyclops  1 & one other = D. thusa??  ♂︎, ant. 26, very small mandibles!  Hence?
Coelinius viduus  6♂︎♂︎: none mtd.
Aphidius sp.?  4 - minute!  None mtd.
Proctotrupes gravidator  ♂︎ & 4 others
Chalcids abundant (12 in sucker).
Cynipids  3.
Beetles  2.

Taken at 2.  The Broad Lough, S. of Killoughter.  1.30-2.30 P.M.

Pemphredon schuckardi  ♂︎.
Dryinid  ♂︎ = 
Trypoxylon attenuatum  ♂︎♂︎ settling on stunted oak bush in reed-bed, 500 yards above head of lough:  2 taken, others seen.  This is 2nd Irish record!
Bethylus fuscicornis  ♂︎: not mtd.